Fall is a great time of year for yard clear out before the cold weather kicks in. There’s also more debris and fallen leaves that will need getting rid of, especially from your gutters and around the flower beds. You can dispose of your garden waste by making a nice compost to fertilize your soil over winter. Ensure your garden is tidy so you can enjoy the views from inside once it gets cold. Here are five tips for tidying your yard in the fall.

Clear your gutters
Your gutters are probably already quite blocked with leaves and debris, so it’s about time for a good gutter cleaning. You can either do this yourself or hire gutter cleaning services. If you do it yourself, make sure you are safe and have the right tools to hand. Ensure your ladder is sturdy and wear gloves and a mask if there’s a lot of debris. Scoop out all the leaves with a trowel and clean the gutters with a brush.
Trim plants and crops
Trim of the ends of your spring plants and crops, here is a simple guide to what to prune and when. Get rid of any weeds as well and clear out your flower beds. If you have plant supports cut down any climbers and take down the supports. You can clean these up and store them so they’re ready for the warmer months. I actually pruned my hydrangea way too late last season (I was aware of it but I had no choice because we were landscaping) and this was the only bloom I had all summer. It was a spectacular one, though!

Get rid of garden waste
The best way to get rid of light organic waste such as leaves and twigs is by building a compost. You can either buy a composter or DIY one from some unused pallets. You can also put kitchen waste in here including fruit and vegetable peelings, and eggshells. Here is a beginner’s guide to compost to check what you can and cannot compost. Any larger garden waste can be collected by your local authority.
Leave the grass long
In order to prepare your home for winter, you want to leave your garden neat and tidy, but keep the grass a little longer. Set your lawnmower to a higher setting and give your grass a final cutting. Leave it slightly longer than normal so you’ll be able to enjoy a view of your green lawn over winter. Cut the edges of the lawn with an edging tool or knife to make a neat border.
Quick and final repairs
Before the weather gets cold, it’s a good idea to do some quick fall garden maintenance. Do any necessary repairs, for example, inspect your raised beds, shed, and compost. Give anything a lick of paint if it needs it and cover any wooden fences or structures with wood preservative. Look for any leaks and inspect your decking for rotten wood. Clean out any bird boxes and feeders if you have them as well.
If you take care of these quick jobs now, you’ll have a neat and tidy garden throughout the winter. In a few steps, your yard will be ready for spring.
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