Last week I shared my latest find – a gorgeous old china cabinet that has definitely seen better days! Here is a peek at the beginning of its makeover.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Work on Getting the Best Home You Possibly Can
Your home is something you should take pride in. There are a lot of changes you can make that give you that pride of home ownership. Try to come up with ideas that play a part in this, and work on getting the best out of your home.
There is a lot to consider here when it comes to improving the home, and this might cost you some money to achieve, but it is definitely worth the cost. Try to make sure you focus on this as much as possible and work on doing what you can to make your house better. Here are some of the key ideas you need to be using in order to get the best out of your home and be happier with where you live.
Have a “Home Makeover”
There are plenty of things you are going to need to focus on when it comes to finding the right balance for your home, and there are so many ideas you can work on to achieve this. A home makeover can make a massive difference to the way in which your property comes across, and you should look to create a homely but refined space wherever you possibly can. I like to “shop my space” and move furniture around to create new spaces that I enjoy. I also like to purge out items that I no longer want, in order to create that space for the new.
Get Rid of Pests
Yikes! Of course pests can be a menace to your home, and you need to try to avoid them or deal with them as much as possible. This is something you have to focus on as a home owner, and there are a lot of ways of doing this. Organic pest control is one safe way of focusing with your pest control problems, and something to consider when a pest issue may occur inside your home.
We had this friendly guy visit us the other day in the garden. I almost stepped on him and he really made me scream. He wasn’t doing anything bad (just being a snake lol) but I was not very happy with his visit! He got caught up in our deer netting and I had to cut him free, the whole time with him darting his forked tongue out at me. Yuck!

If you are handy, DIY is one of the best ways of improving a home. There are loads of options for excellent DIY skills that you can use yourself to fix up your home and make the repairs you’ve been needing to make.

Make sure you understand what is involved in the project, and try to take steps to be as constructive as possible. Above all, enjoy your home!
Please note that some of the links above and below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.