I hope everyone is home, safe and sound and trying to stay cheerful and busy in these crazy days. I also hope that by sharing a few creative posts this week that it will alleviate some of your boredom!
On Monday, I shared the little tea table that was given a makeover in blended chalk paint colors. Tea Table Spring Inspired Makeover

Today I’ll share a project that I did over the holidays. I decided to paint the cabinets that run along the right side of my kitchen in olive green. It is a Home Depot color match to the exact green that I used on the Empire Chest that is currently in my living room, Magnolia Home Chalk Style Paint in the color Olive Grove. (Magnolia Home Olive Green Makeover Video Tutorial)
https://www.instagram.com/p/B9vK28op9sI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkI also used it here on this desk. Magnolia Home Olive Green Desk and Mirror Makeover.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrQ4meFMjd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAnd here is the color in my kitchen (yes, I’m slightly obsessed with this green)! And I had to add the fresh cut daffodils to bring a little bit of spring inside.

I left the other cabinets in Simply White – Kitchen Improvements.

My husband and I had added the long Ikea shelves last year and I have a few vintage thrifted finds to share.

I found these framed prints of Paris scenes and put them up along the top of the shelves. The little piggy cutting board, the dog mug and little Te-Amo box were all thrift store finds. We added the little rod under the shelf to hang teabags, sugars and a few mugs.

I enjoy how the green looks when looking through into our dining room with the Sherwin Williams Rainforest blue dining room walls.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B90HS_BpzkS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAnd when spending all day indoors, why not make a lemon meringue pie?

The recipe was awesome and you can find it plus a ton more great pie recipes in the book linked below. Sophie and I have seen the musical Waitress twice on Broadway – love!