Buying a home is never going to be a decision that you make without a certain amount of agonizing over the purchase. A lot of money is about to change hands, and once you’ve committed to buy it you’ve made a life-changing decision, so it is important to be sure. With that said, some people may see this as a reason to be reluctant about making a decision at all, stalling for additional time until, often, the decision is made for them.
Some people will be reluctant to “pull the trigger” no matter how keen they are on the house that they have found, and it’s understandable. The bigger the decision, after all, the more you’ll want to think about it – but below, we’re going to go into a few reasons why that “thinking time” needs to be condensed. Sometimes, you see, it’s time to be bold and make a big decision fast.
If it’s the dream home you want, someone else will want it too
We’ve all been in the position of humming and hawing over a purchasing decision, whether it be in a supermarket, a boutique or anywhere else. We go through so many stages, and sometimes will even walk away from the decision before cycling back to revisit it; and we’ve all been in the position where, when we cycled back, the thing we wanted to buy was gone.
This happens to house buyers, too; you love the house, but you ask for time to think, you maybe check out a couple of other properties. When you finally decide that yes, this is the house for you, you put in an offer, but someone has already had one accepted. There’s no point waiting for this one to come back on the market – records show that in recent years, the average tenure in a newly-bought house is up to ten years.
Whatever your misgiving, it’s unlikely that time alone will cure it
Everyone has doubts before spending the six- or seven-figure it can cost to buy a house. It would be odd if they didn’t, because it’s a huge amount of money. What a lot of people don’t realize, however, is that people also have doubts after they have spent the money. Again, it’s a lot of money – there’s no way those misgivings disappear overnight.
And there’s the rub; you could take all of that time to think and still have those doubts. If your misgivings are more solid, game them out. If you’re waiting for your current house to sell, explore options such as Homeward to see how you could finance a swifter move. If there’s something that doesn’t chime right about the kitchen, realize that these things can always be fixed after you move in.
There is a classic idea that when it comes to making a big decision such as buying a house, you’ll somehow “know” that you’ve found the right place. That’s a fanciful notion which belongs in fairytales; you’re not going to know, 100%, until after you have made the final decision. If you have to wait until you’re certain, you’ll see a lot of dream houses sold while you’re struggling with the decision. Sometimes, it is worth making the jump.
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