Before I get to Charlotte’s bedroom set update, I’ve noticed that my most viewed YouTube video is Painting Over Laminate with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. For those that may be interested, here it is!
Now on to my latest huge project! I do enjoy working on sets of furniture but honestly, it can become tedious doing the same technique to three or four pieces at the same time. Here is how it looked in my workroom yesterday…

I am living up to my name!
Actually, I’m getting close to finishing the entire set. Here is a sneak peek. It is two parts Old Ochre/1 part Old White for the first two base coats on all the pieces. I then sand/distress and add a wash of Old White on each one. Sand lightly and then wax in Annie Sloan clear. I’m now done with all except the tall chest.
I plan on adding a coat of General Finishes High Performance sealer over the wax on the tops of the pieces for extra durability. These are going into a teen’s room and I want them to last. I hope to share the full reveal tomorrow.
I painted my piano with 2 coats chalk paint, followed by 2 coats of clear wax, followed by 1 coat of dark wax and then another layer of clear wax. My piano feels a bit gritty….not wax smooth. I made sure it was clean before starting. What could I have done wrong? It looks beautiful though!
Hi Marie, Did you allow the wax to cure each time before adding another coat? You can take a soft cloth and try and buff it as best you can to make is smooth. Also, next time to make your chalk paint finish super smooth, you should sand it back with a 400 grit sandpaper before waxing. You can also use the sandpaper after you wax to smooth it out. I have done that before and it created a super smooth finish. If the buffing doesn’t work, try sanding it a bit and see if that does the trick. Best of luck!
I didn’t know there was a finish that you could put over wax. I will have to try that. Lovely work. RoseMary
Hi RoseMary, yes there is a sealer that can be added over wax. It gives a protective finish while maintaining that great rubbed finish of a wax. I shall write about it in tomorrow’s post
I, too, am curious about the sealer over the wax. Never knew anything could be added over wax. I look forward to the full reveal. Have a good day, Suzanne.
That makes 3 of us curious about GF topcoat over wax. Will it be compatible over Fiddes wax, Suzanne?
Hi Sharlee, I will go over it all in tomorrow’s post and yes, it should work over Fiddes
Ha! A set of furniture with custom mixes and washes! I’ve had a few sets when I didn’t initially mix enough of the custom color for the entire project! Oooops! Congratulations on seeing light at the end of the tunnel! xoxo
That almost happened here! I just squeaked out the last of the OW/OC mix before it ran out!
You are so good, until if you say it can be done then I am sold. Can’t wait for tomorrow
Wow, GF sealer over ASCP wax!!! Can’t wait to read about that!!!
Lovely presentation! The piece turned out perfect Lisa@ Sweet Tea N’ Salty Air
Thank you so much!