I hope everyone is home, safe and sound and trying to stay cheerful and busy in these crazy days. I also hope that by sharing a few creative posts this week that it will alleviate some of your boredom!
On Monday, I shared the little tea table that was given a makeover in blended chalk paint colors. Tea Table Spring Inspired Makeover

Today I’ll share a project that I did over the holidays. I decided to paint the cabinets that run along the right side of my kitchen in olive green. It is a Home Depot color match to the exact green that I used on the Empire Chest that is currently in my living room, Magnolia Home Chalk Style Paint in the color Olive Grove. (Magnolia Home Olive Green Makeover Video Tutorial)
https://www.instagram.com/p/B9vK28op9sI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkI also used it here on this desk. Magnolia Home Olive Green Desk and Mirror Makeover.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrQ4meFMjd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAnd here is the color in my kitchen (yes, I’m slightly obsessed with this green)! And I had to add the fresh cut daffodils to bring a little bit of spring inside.

I left the other cabinets in Simply White – Kitchen Improvements.

My husband and I had added the long Ikea shelves last year and I have a few vintage thrifted finds to share.

I found these framed prints of Paris scenes and put them up along the top of the shelves. The little piggy cutting board, the dog mug and little Te-Amo box were all thrift store finds. We added the little rod under the shelf to hang teabags, sugars and a few mugs.

I enjoy how the green looks when looking through into our dining room with the Sherwin Williams Rainforest blue dining room walls.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B90HS_BpzkS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_linkAnd when spending all day indoors, why not make a lemon meringue pie?

The recipe was awesome and you can find it plus a ton more great pie recipes in the book linked below. Sophie and I have seen the musical Waitress twice on Broadway – love!
Goodness me, but I have KITCHEN ENVY! Love all of this, especially those greenish cabinets. I unfortunately don’t live near an IKEA anymore, however you have given an inspirational thought on those shelves. I’m going to buy plain ones and add face trim moldings to jazz it up! Just need to be able to go out right now! I have ongoing lung issues that are keeping me house bound until it becomes safer. Age is another factor as well. However I have great plans for things once we are back to normal. Thanks for the pics of your amazing kitchen. Wonder if I can send you pictures once I get my shelves up? Love your stuff, keep up the great creativity and IGNORE those nay sayers!
Hi Jauquetta, thanks so much! I would love to see pics of your shelves once you are allowed outside again and can get them installed. I hope you are doing well and keeping safe!