Help! As you may know, we are fostering puppies. Well, it has been two weeks and still no end in sight. We love the pups but our schnauzer, Lucky does not. He is really stressed and stays in another room when the pups are out playing. Yesterday, I left the pups in their crates and went out to run a few errands. When I came home, the smell in the house was overpowering. I assumed it was the puppies and that one had had an accident in their shared crate. Well, it wasn’t the puppies or Harper. It was Lucky,. He had gone into my newly decorated dining room – the one room in my house that is actually all done and that I love – and messed all over my new rug. Yes, my only rug in the entire house that I actually care about. He is unhappy and stressed out and that morning he must not have gone out as we were so busy watching the puppies and we lost track of when the other two had been let outside.
I’ve put Resolve on the stain and even dish soap and tried to clean it but it still looks like this. I apologize for the super gross photo.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the stain out? I need help and am so upset!
Look for “Nature’s miracle” stain remover.
Works for me!
i was coming here to say nature’s miracle- so that’s two votes!
I’ve had luck with water/vinegar mix….3 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Wet the spot and blot it repeatedly to draw the stain out. I had the same thing happen to me once and it is very upsetting!
Natures Miracle — soak and let sit for about 10 minutes and then blot. Repeat as necessary. GOOD LUCK!!!
we have used Resolve for Pets…..put it on heavy, let it sit then scrub……it has always taken away any stain. So sorry for all this…..but it happens when you have new comers…….he is marking his place………but vinegar has an odor they don’t like and after the Resolve for Pets, use the vinegar with some water and I put it in a spray bottle…..he may use a different place……..
also you can try oxie clean……don’t know about spelling, but make a paste rub it in, then scrub it around and remove with another cloth with water…….see if any of these work………..
Carpet cleaners will tell you not to use resolve due to that is leaves a residue behind in the rug. When working as a property manager, the professional told me to use rubbing alcohol. It will not leave a residue.
Thank you so much, Pamela. I’m not using Resolve again on a rug with a deep stain as I think it may have worsened it but it I don’t know for sure. I’ll post an update with pic tomorrow and hopefully you will agree it has improved
Thanks so much for sending me your tip!
FOLEX Carpet and upholstery cleaner!!!!! It blows every other product out of the water. Google it to buy online or some hardware stores carry it. Home Depot might carry it, or Lowes. It really is the best
my husband and I owned a flooring store a few years ago. He suggested initially using a vinegar and water (even parts) mixture. However, because you have already worked on the stain, he suggested asking a professional company to assist you in removing the stain.
Nature’s miracle both cats and dogs
Stanley steemer makes a pet stain remover that is fabulous. i use that and then my greenie to finish it off.
previously I forgot to say…….first pick up as much vomit as you can, don’t rub that in……then put your choice of cleaner on it, let it sit then scrub………….you can still scrub old stains……in the house we purchased, the carpet had stains, I did this about like I said, and all the stains came out……..and those stains were old………..
wish the best to you…….you can clean it… will all work out……give your dog exercise, a lot of attention. make sure he goes outside and you see him (poop)…….then he can come back in………..gloria g. Walls in Wellborn, FL
or poop, which ever you have…….
The best thing I have ever used is stationmaster carpet pet stain remover. I have tried them all and this is by far the best.
I recently had the same problem and googled how to get dog poop out of carpet. It suggested using the vinegar and water mixture. It’s at for step by step instructions for dry or wet problems. I also have the behavior prob with my scottie. I’m keeping 2 dogs for my daughter until they get a house built and have a backyard again. Lucy HATES the 2 interlopers. Very jealous. Good luck!
as a fellow foster puppy parent, i can sympathize. we have one dog that takes a while to adjust to the new puppies. as far as your rug, we use nature’s miracle works great for smells, but we haven’t had much luck with the stain issues. we use spot shot (get the aerosol can, not the pump spray) spray it, let it sit 5 minutes and then take a bucket with the hottest water you can get and a sponge. dab the stain (don’t rub!!!!!). dab and twist a little, getting all the spot shot and stain you can. then let it dry. Repeat as needed, it may take 3-4 times, but every stain we have used this stuff on has come out. Urine, poo, vomit, blood, mud (red ALabama clay)
Good luck!!
Well since you have already applied dish soap,the only thing left to get all that soap out as well as the stain,is to call a professional carpet cleaner. Dish soap is not good on carpet as the suds stay in,form a sticky film and you will have a bigger and bigger mess. Its the only way out now……
You might try hydrogen peroxide. I used it on my uniforms & it got out al kinds of bodily fluids!! ?? (I’m a retired nurse!) Try on a inconspicuous spot just in case before you try it again n the spot. So sorry about the pup’s anxiety.
Be sure and let us know which method/product works! Good luck!
Call HAdeed carpet cleaners; they’ll come get the carpet and clean it. I’ve had really good luck with them.
Natures miracle is great to get the smell out. Resolve carpet cleaner also works really well. Whatever you do, DO NOT use anything with vinegar or ammonia it. The vinegar and amonia enhances any pet urine/other odors and create brown stains on your carpet. You can also use dish detergent (like dawn dish soap)to wash the rug then use the resolve to get the remaining stain & smells out
Also professional carpet cleaner…. No dish soap, it attracts dirt. At this point you have to get the soap out. Need a professional with truck mount extractor. It’s the only way, honest. Never use resolve, it also will just dry and attract dirt. Hope it works.
In the future, but s little carpet cleaning machine at Walmart, $100, and use only water with vinegar. Extract all wait our slowly and no soap. ?
A professional carpet cleaner told me that Folex Carpet and Upholstery cleaner is the best carpet cleaning product he recommends. Said that Resolve (which I had) leaves a residue and doesn’t work as well. I bought Folex at Home Depot, I think.
TUFF STUFF …… Walmart. It is amazing!!!! I think in automotive.
The peroxide-based cleansers work well on all organic stains. You just have to check it carefully on a small, unseen part of the rug to make sure it won’t bleach it out. They work really well on the odor two. You sometimes have to apply them 2 – 3 times.
Good Luck!
I have four cats and light beige carpeting-I have always found woolite Pet Stain & odor remover + oxy to be the only product that truly removes the whole stain in a short period of time. makes it completely disappear. check the reviews on amazon. i am surprised it it not a product sold just as industrial strength. good luck.
Leave it alone and call a professional to pick it up and clean it. you might do more harm.
Don’t do anything more. Call a professional to pick it up and clean it.
Actually, just found the bottle…the name of the product I mentioned is Folex Instant carpet spot remover. Excellent for carpets or upholstery
what is the status of the stained rug?
Hi Gloria! It is improving and thank you for asking! Well, it couldn’t look any worse lol. I’ll post a pic tomorrow. Cheers!
I have four rescues. Two are okay. Two–the boxer and the jack russell have been…interesting. (They are finally learning to get along. Folex works great most of the time but there are times when for some reason, it doesn’t. I take liquid tide (clothes detergent) in hot water and scrub the spot good, let it dry. Repeat the tide and hot water until it’s gone. Seems to work.
Love your blog! The flips you’ve done are elegant! I was 76 when I found your blog and…I am now painting furniture. Crazy, eh? much success to you!
Thank you so much, Maire for your tips! I am going to try again today and shall post a pic tomorrow on that stain. One of my fosters is gone (luckily the one that didn’t really get along with our Lucky) so things are calming down again. I think from now on we shall take one foster at a time as we already have two of our own and it was a bit much. Love that you are painting furniture now! Isn’t it fun?!
Painting furniture is a blast! Love it! Glad you’re getting the stain handled. Yeah, depending on what the offending pup ate, I’ve had to give the spot several treatments. One more piece of advice: If you send the carpet to be cleaned professionally, look at it immediately when you get it back. Eons ago I sent a rug to be cleaned and three weeks later, got it back, unrolled it four days later on the weekend. And it stunk! The rug was ruined. They hadn’t let it dry after cleaning it and it was loaded with mold. I was furious but, outside of going to court, nothing I could do. And these people had been in business
for 25 years!
OMG that would have infuriated me! Thanks for the tip! I would never have known!