Here is a very short update on the Brooklyn Carriage House. The permits are approved, the contractor has been hired and the plans are almost ready to be shared. The first step in the construction is the removal of any asbestos. The roof, windows and old linoleum flooring were removed. Now they can really start the renovation process which is so exciting!
I’ll just add here my own (very small in comparison!) project. It is the progress on our kitchen farmhouse table. I mentioned how I am refinishing it. Here it is after I sanded it back with 80 grit sandpaper. The process actually broke my orbital sander. This is the second sander that I have gone through. Time to make a bigger financial commitment and purchase a more heavy duty sander!
Can you get over that gorgeous grain?!
Political ads? really?
I haven’t seen any political ads, Wendy, and I doubt there are any on this site. And if she did, it would be her right as a free-speech American.
Hi Linda, thanks so much! The ads are based on a readers own preferences/prior searches and not directed by me. Can you imagine if I decided to insert political ads?! I can’t even stand going on Facebook any longer due to some people’s incessant political rants lol! You are right though – I can post whatever I want but lol I wouldn’t ? Have a great weekend!
Hi Wendy, I have zero control over what ads appear on your screen via my site. They are based on your search preferences. So, let’s say I Google “Jamaica vacation” on my laptop and
then I go on to my site. When I go on my site or others that use Google Adsense, an ad about a Jamaica hotel will pop up. Thanks.
my apologies. I had just never seen one before on a blog. I am not usually rude.
Love the lighter table top!
Can’t wait to see more on the carriage house! I would LOVE to own a building like that! Your farmhouse table is beautiful!
Hi Linda – I hope to have an update soon! I also can’t wait to hear what is going on with it