I participated in my first Luckett’s market in May, 2012. I had just started my business and consigned a few pieces to Kelly of Stylish Patina. She had them in her space and a few sold. I was hooked! My girls and I had such a great time wandering around the market. There was so much to see – the Luckett’s Spring Market is just amazing. Here we are meeting Marian (Miss Mustard Seed). My girls look so little! Spring 2013, I made sure to grab one of the few open slots. I spent countless days and hours preparing. Unfortunately, these open air events are under the complete mercy of the weather and that weekend, it rained. I still did fine with my sales but it was incredibly stressful. I only had one tent and had to push all of my furniture under it to keep it from getting wet. We had friends who lent us another tent but it was pouring as we assembled it. It finally dried out and the weekend improved.
Come that fall, I signed up for the first Luckett’s fall/holiday market. This time, it was gale force winds that were the issue! I almost lost a large cabinet before a super nice vendor and I grabbed it just as it was about to come down. Again, it was exhausting but we enjoyed ourselves. It became a true family affair.
Spring 2014, I rented two spaces and had two tents ready to go in case of rain. This time, the skies opened the day before with a torrential downpour. Trying to set up in a muddy field was more than difficult. Our truck got stuck and it was really, really stressful. I injured my shoulder pretty badly by lifting heavy furniture and traipsing through muddy fields with it. Parking the day of the event was total chaos as all of the fields reserved for parking were unusable due to the mud. It took people literally hours in traffic to get there. The guys that work at Lucketts actually carried a large china cabinet at least a mile to one customer’s car. They were fantastic. Again, it improved as the weekend progressed and at the end of the day, I was happy with how we did.
Unless you have done one of these outdoor markets, you have no idea how exhausting it is. The prep required during the weeks and months prior, the renting and loading and unloading of the truck, setting up tents, arranging the furniture, pricing the furniture and staying on your feet from sunup to sundown and being at the complete mercy of the weather. Because of my shoulder, I have made a difficult decision and am going to pass on participating this spring.
The strange thing is, although it is so hard and tiring and painful, it is so much fun! Meeting customers and chatting with other vendors is really is a blast. My girls are disappointed that we are not participating this year. They love running around Lucketts the whole weekend and buying trinkets. I just need to rest my shoulder for now. Maybe next year and I wish all the other vendors the very best of luck!
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i am sure that you have to take to your bed for a week after one of these events and you surely don’t want to any more damage to your shoulder, i am also sure you will be missed by all, but sometimes you have to put yourself first xx
Yes, they are more than exhausting and after hurting myself last time, I really took a step back and reevaluated it all. I have made the right decision but will miss being part of it all!
I hope you feel better. It must be a TON OF WORK to prepare for and set up for, not only DO the Lucketts sale. So, rest and relax as much as you can. We will still be here for you.
Thanks so much! I am going to rest through this spring season and enjoy the market as a bystander! My shoulder will thank me for it
I have a love-hate relationship with outside fairs and festivals, too. When they are good, they are very, very good. When it rains…they are muddy.
So true!
loved all your furniture!!! I want all the yellow, grey and white. I want everything. Thanks for posting the pictures. I have salivated all over my iPad.
You are welcome lol!
When buyers come to visit and want you to cut your price to the bare bone, they have NO IDEA how much work is involved in preparing and getting to market !
Kudos to you for your efforts and to the beautiful pieces you display. I love your things !
Thank you, Martha and you are so right! That is the downside of it. So much competition and a lot of customers trying to get the absolute bottom dollar. However, as a vendor you should be aware and price accordingly
I am not a vendor but i love going to these outdoor markets all the vendors are so nice it is as much fun to visit them as it is ti buy stuff. A friend and i drive 3 hrs. to one place we love to go.
Can you give me information on getting a booth and where it’s at. My email is gschauff@zoomtown.com thanks ALOT I appreciate any help.
I can totally relate! We did 2 one day outdoor markets this Summer-it was exhausting! A lot of work and expense with truck rentals, tents, etc. Maybe if we sold smaller things it would be easier but I’m not sure. It will be awhile before I do another one. Rest that shoulder!