My dining room has an Ethan Allen dining room set in it. I bought this set ages ago in the first years of our marriage and am still in love with my china cabinet. The set is my only splurge in our home. I also added a sideboard over the summer. I purchased it from Craigslist, refurbished it and painted in gray. The large drawers and cabinet space are fantastic.
However, I have never been a huge fan of my dining room table because the corners are super sharp and the top is a little too shiny for my liking. It’s best feature are two large leaves that extend it way out for ample seating during Christmas dinners, etc. which is wonderful.Here is a pic of the dining room now. I took the curtains down to add more light (which I will add again now that it is getting cold outside) and started painting the chairs white.
Now, here are my inspiration dining spaces.
They all include a lovely old farmhouse table. My dilemma is…should I ditch my highly utilitarian and originally expensive table for the huge farmhouse table that I found a few weeks ago? It doesn’t extend and needs a lot of work but I LOVE it.
What to do? I would repaint my sideboard and all the chairs white and keep the china cabinet as-is. Will they go with this table? It is so hard when one buys an expensive piece of furniture (my original table) because it is impossible to ever get rid of it without deep guilt of money wasted. I really dislike this “stuck” feeling and am not used to it. Hence, my dilemma.
It is a big table to move and I need to make up my mind!
What a dilemma-My gut says go with what pulls at your heart and you love-new table. However it is such a bummer not having a large enough table when you have guests. You do such a fabulous job painting things it might be worth you while to paint your current table since it does work for you family. If you still don’t like it-sell it and get the one that you are drawn to.
Have a good Sunday!
You have hit the nail on the head. The new one pulls at my heart while the old one is perfect for its use. I think I just want to keep the new one and am trying to justify it. I shall work on the them both and then decide. Thanks, Darrielle!
the new table once fixed will meet all your needs? both daily and at holidays? if yes then go for it. If no, then
You only live once. I say go for it! I am having the same dilemma over here with a table and chairs similar to yours. My husband had it when I married him and I don’t like it but it was expensive so… Your making me want to ditch mine even more with your beautiful inspiration photos. Maybe when we move out of this house, which I hope is soon, I will go for it. Yes, I will go for it!
You go for it, Gigi! What a perfect opportunity too – a new house to decorate!
Go with what you love. You can always put a folding table at the end and add an extra long table cloth over both. If you only use it once or twice a year I would definitely paint the new table and store the expensive one until you get over the urge to paint it. Believe me, stripping paint is no fun as you probably know. If I want to paint I do like you did I buy and paint – less guilt. Good luck!
Thank you, Rebecca! I also thought of adding a folding table at the end of it to extend it. Great minds think alike lol!
Ditch your table and go with your new choice. Consider the cost of the current table as tuition for a life lesson learned. You only live once. Do it right and live your dream.
You only live once and live your dream – love it
If the current (expensive) table fits your needs I would suggest going with your paint idea. Maybe paint the legs etc. Strip the top back and just stain or wax with a more natural look you seem to favour in your inspiration photos. Paint the china cabinet and buffet to match chairs , table etc. Maybe give the same treatment to tops of stain/wax. By the way, I really love your farmhouse table but if it won’t fill your needs then… . I know it will look fabulous whatever you choose to do.
Thank you, Mary! I appreciate it!
I say paint your new table the way you see it being, put it in the room…if you love it keep it there! Maybe you could store your old table if you have room.
I was thinking the same thing but the new table is super heavy to move. Maybe I should work on it first and then reassess?
I vote for painting your current set. It meets your needs and its profile melds with the rest of the room. The farm table seems a bit clunky for the space.
These are just my observations and I’m sure either option will look nice.
I was wondering the same thing about the chunkiness of the new table. Hmmmm…
I agree with Katherine. Try painting your current table and see if it works. The shape & size of it work. The shape & size of the new farm table just don’t seem to “match” your inspirations pieces. Can’t wait to see the results!
Are your chairs going to fit side by side under this new table? The chairs at the end will not get close enough to sit comfortably. You might keep your old table and place the new table (with leaves down) at the window or behind a sofa as a sofa table, in an entry… You could refinish your old tables top to suit your taste as well, perhaps using the wood and white to tie all elements together..
I wish I could use it elsewhere but the table is really wide and too big for my home in other rooms. Unless I replace my kitchen table with it? But, you are right about the comfortable seating. I think I need to try it out first. I was also thinking of tying in the wood/white. Decisions, decisions…
Sell the table and go with your heart.
This is a dilemma that I often face. Don’t beat yourself up about your style/taste changing. My husband always gives me the roar…”well didn’t we pay a lot of money for that?” Why yes we did dear, but I don’t love it anymore, and he probably doesn’t either (just really won’t admit it.) I have refurbished a lot of pieces and put up with a lot of handy-me-downs from his family, so if I can sell it on Craig’slist and help with the new purchase, I’m totally ok with it. He also cringes every time I tell him I’m going to paint a piece of furniture that we spent money on!! I totally agree with Kelli, paint your new table, if you love it, use it, if you don’t sell it, and look for something else or paint your existing table. In the meantime, store your current one…it’s a win-win. When you took pics of your living room the other day, I could feel your “home.” I’d to think that’s how mine is as well, a bit hodge-podgy, no certain style, but warm and comfortable. If you love the pieces, they will work! Love your site. Good luck with your decision.
Thank you, Kim. Yes, my home is hodge-podge city but, as you say, it is home! I only put pieces into it that I love, even if they really don’t belong together! I like your advice and think that is the way to go – paint/refurbish the new one and reassess. Thank you for helping me with the guilt that comes with “buy high, sell low” lol!
My vote is to keep your current table. I would paint the legs and darken the top. How about painting your china cabinet as well to make everything blend together?
Let us know what you decide to do,.
I have also thought about painting my china cabinet but really love it as-is. The wood adds warmth to the room. It adds to my dilemma as it definitely isn’t the same wood tone as the new table! Oh, my. I will keep you posted
Suzanne, you bought that table from Eathan Allen ages ago, you certainly got your money’s worth wouldn’t you say? Try your new table that you love, it will make you smile every time you walk in the dining room. You have a greY sense of style and putting things together to look cohesive and charming. And think seriously about this, you use your current dining table ONCE A YEAR! Is it really worth it, if you do t like it any more? I had the same delima with a coffe table I got from Eathan Allen, yes it was very expensive, but I really don’t care for it anymore, so I put it in a consignment shop for higher end furniture. You only live once! Wouldn’t you rather walk in that room and smile and feel your heart lift a little higher from making another daydream come true?
Thanks, Sally! I did get my money’s worth but there is a lot more to get out of it which is why I hesitate so! I do want to smile when I walk into the room and as it is now, I do not. Great way of putting it. I hope to change that soon!
Go with your gut. Your old set is lovely. Your new table could be lovely as well. What would work the best for you? What makes you happy? Go with your gut! Could you put the older table in the garage and experiment with new table? I happen to have a very similar table to your new one, except I have two extensions for it. I inherited it from my mom, who died recently, so you can imagine the emotions attached to it now! I struggle with painting or not painting. I’d love to see what you would do with it. I thinking of lightening the matching hutch and chairs, as well. Good luck to you!
Thank you, Robin. I agree with the experiment and taking it from there. It is just a super heavy experiment – I should enlist the help of my neighbor’s teenage sons
How lovely that you inherited your mother’s table. I am sure it will bring you many years of happiness and how lucky that you have it now. I plan on working on mine soon and will post. I hope it will help you get ideas for yours – good or bad!
If you really want the farm table of your dreams, try selling the expensive table to ease a little guilt… hopefully to a nice young couple just starting out or maybe even donate it to a woman’s shelter, etc….paying it forward that way will make you feel better
Whatever you decide, I’m sure you’ll make it work!
Since you love the new farmhouse table, I say go with it. And just to add another idea into the mix….I don’t know how either table is put together, but would it be possible to use the chunky wood farmhouse table top with the ethan allen painted base? It would look a lot like your third inspiration photo. You could always store the Ethan Allen top somewhere in case you decided the farmhouse look wasn’t working.
Now that is thinking out of the box lol! I just don’t have the carpentry skills plus the tabletop is super heavy. Cool idea, though!
i Love your “old” table – and it extends to accommodate your big get-togethers…plus you are so talented! … I’m sure you can paint the legs and distress and re-stain the top to fit your new style. Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Thanks, Shona! I can’t wait to figure it out, too
The farm table will look so beautiful. . . do it!
I’m sure you can find an economical set of chairs (Craig’s List) to go with your existing table. Refinish and sell to recoup some of your original table investment.
It will be beautiful, regardless of what you decide, with your lovely decorating style.
Suzanne – I’ve looked at your photos for a few days now. In my opinion I don’t think you should touch your china cabinet. That piece is beautiful and the wood warms the room so. I would paint current table except for the table top. Leave that natural. That woodtop would tie back to the china cabinet. The other thing you could do if you wanted to paint the entire table is paint the chairs except for the rail part at the top of each chair. Then the dark wood on that rail would tie back into the china cabinet. In any case if the china cabinet stays as is, it needs some other wood in the room to tie back to it.
Hi Linda, I agree that the china cabinet needs another piece with wood to tie it all together. I don’t want to paint the cabinet because it is lovely as-is and the wood tone is so lovely and warm. I wish I could sand back the top of the buffet but I tried and the “wood” underneath it is nasty. I like the chair idea. I’m going to work on both tables and figure this out! Thx so much and hope you are doing well!
I would not paint that china cabinet, it is beautiful as is. I would keep your current table and do as the others mentioned, paint the base white and re–do the top of it in a wood tone that you like. The “New” table appears to be very chunky. Could you use the “new” table out doors in a covered area, allowing it to age some in the weather and use it that way, or even paint it white and leave to age some? In the end…do what makes you happiest!
I’m doing ok. Rough couple of months though. Dad passed away 10/6 – my last living relative. He was 96 and at one level it was a blessing to see him go but I miss him so.
Looking forward to see what you do with this project! Also I agree with some of the others about the farm table in your garage. I just don’t see it in your dining room b/c of the bulk. The farm table may have another person’s name on it once you finish it.
Go with what you love….life is too short!
Is there another place in your home you could use the farm table? You could use it as a game table in a family room or sunroom. Maybe you could use it as a desk or sewing table in a craft room too.
I wish there was but it is really too big (and super heavy)!
I think I would keep the original set, you will miss it on the days you have family over and need the space. That is one down side to the chunky farmhouse tables, and why I haven’t switched to one. Our room is too tight to have a big table all the time, I need the option of making it smaller or bigger depending on our needs. Another option is to find some barn boards had have a “farmhouse” top made just for your table. You can cover your table with a piece of felt and set it on top. I would do barn boards with a lip of wood on the edge, your current table top can hide behind the lip. On the holidays, just take the top off and put it in the garage and use your leaves. You can even paint your table legs and have a distressed wood top that way.
Oh my gosh Suzanne– I completely understand how this is so difficult. I can tell you that having a large table with leafs is something you will surely miss even if it is only a few times a year.
I think I would be inclined to keep the table you have, paint the legs to match your chairs and maybe get a burlap table cloth for it or drop cloth type that has a ruler painted down the length of it. Something to give it that rustic look you are craving. Be sure the tablecloth isn’t as long as the one you have now–that will show off the legs more. Also change the shades on your chandelier to either a seagrass or burlap and maybe a linen or burlap cord cover as well. Another idea is to switch our your rug to something less formal and put in sisal or something similar.
I think if you make enough smaller changes to the room you will get the feel you want without losing a high quality table that extends.
Best of luck!!
Hi Lisa – you have given excellent advice! Thank you!
My pleasure.
I’ve read everyone’s suggestions on the two tables. I love the idea of the big rustic table as well but don’t think the style will compliment your existing furniture. Painting the legs and skirt and sanding the shiny off the top of your old table, I think will give you the look you’re pining for.
I have a cherry set with an oval table that is reminiscent of yours. Wish my husband would agree to painting it as well! Good luck Suzanne, I’m sure what ever you ultimately do will be amazing! Marie
I complete understand your dilema, because I’m in the same position with the same dining room table and chairs. I own the exact same set! My husband and me bought together as one of our first investment pieces after we were married. We didn’t buy the china cabinet because we just could not afford it. The set was expense and we worked hard to pay it off. I don’t hate it, but I wish I had a farm table and painted chairs. You were even braver then I, I didn’t paint anything not even a chair…ow how I wish I could just do it. I do love the two leaves and the fact that it gets very large with them in. I say keep it and paint it, that’s what I plan on doing.
That is so funny that you have the exact same set! I just started working on the room today. I will share this week and hope you like it. It may give you inspiration to try something with yours. It is a great set with great bones. I just need to tweak it! Thanks!
I agree, go with what you love. Here is one way to look at your old table: Find the receipt so you know what you originally paid for the table only. Then calculate how many meals you have eaten off of it and divide that into the original cost. If you chose to sell the table (at least $200) you could deduct that. You’ll see that you did get your monies worth. Now there is one more thing you could do: take the legs off of the old table….you would find something to do with them down the road, I’m sure. You are left with tabletop that can be stored easily on it’s side and laid on top of the new table and extended for special holiday gatherings when you need more space at the table. Always love your blog, best wishes, Liz
Thanks, Liz! I have put all dining room projects on hold until after the holidays and will tackle it then. I love your advice and thank you for it!
I agree with Linda M. Don’t paint your china cabinet. I like tying in the chairs by leaving the rails natural and painting the rest white to match the sideboard. I think the farm table would look out of place (although I love it and just bought one similar). Your space has a more refined look as does your china cabinet and chairs. Could you possibly use it in you kitchen area?
Hi Gwen, I just wish I could use it in my kitchen but it is too big. Sigh. I will have to bite the bullet and sell it. It is what I do but it can be so hard
thanks for the inspiration on the chairs!