Monday brings both a beautiful find and a disgusting one.
My beautiful find to share is this gorgeous chest that I actually found a few weeks ago. It has been patiently waiting in my garage for me to get started on it. It has fantastic detailing and is just stunning. Someone a long time ago had painted it but it is now flaking and chipping off in many place. It needs a lot of TLC before it is ready to be painted again. Here are the pics.
My second find today is disgusting and horrible and nasty and every other word you can conjure up that means “Yuck”. My Sophie has head lice – likely from that germ infested place called elementary school. I need to medicate her hair and get them out and wash ALL the bedding in hot water, etc. Her brother and sister will also get their hair treated in case the lice decided to jump onto their heads.
What a fun day ahead of me – not! And all I want to do is work on my beautiful find – not the disgusting one!
That is a gorgeous find! I love all the details too. I can’t wait to see what you do with it. I am not looking forward to the day when my girls bring home lice from school either. : /
Oh the joys of motherhood!
wow what a gorgeous dresser, and head lice is just almost a normal for elementary school, i was pta president when we had an epidemic of the dang critters we wound up having volunteers at all the doors into school checking heads, children had to be treated before they could come back to school (this included my long blonde headed daughter we provided rid to any who could not afford it out of the pta budget, i was so happy when she went on to middle school lol xx
That is so great that you were able to give out the Nix stuff. It was $20 and I can see how some people would find that hard. It is just such a long process to get rid of them. I told my kids that I need to get them flea and tick collars from PetsMart lol!
the piece you found is gorgeous and working on that sounds like way more fun than working on the lice. hope you have both under control soon
I can’t wait to get my hands on it! Just need to finish all the laundry lol! Towels, bedding, etc. What pain!
You poor thing, I hate lice! I work in a kindergarten/preschool building with almost 500 kids and someone always has lice! It’s not pleasant!!
I love that chest and with your touch and talent it’s going to be one beautiful work of art!!
Oh, Kelly, you are truly a saint to work there lol! I love children (I really do) but after I volunteer for a few hours in my kid’s classroom, I am so ready to go home!
Love the dresser and I agree-lice is gross! Good luck with that!
Thanks, Darrielle! What a day!
This dresser is a stunning piece! Simply stunning. AND it looks so happy with those handles shaped the way they are!
Regarding the disgusting part – seems like lice in elementary schools is running rampant so stock up on the RidX or whatever it’s called. Good luck.
Ha! I am stocking up on it. It smells nasty, too. Spent the entire day washing pillows and combing nits out of my daughter’s hair. Turns out Ella has them too
oh no!!!! good luck!!!
You find such amazing furniture. There are such amazing details on the piece.
Head lice not as amazing! Gotta love all those little kids that pass stuff like that on