I have to confess that this is actually not my find. Although, it is my favorite for the week! A client of mine dropped off two french tables for me to work on. Oooh la la, they are divine! She found them on Craigslist (yes, I am jealous!) and the detailing is gorgeous.
Can you believe that they are a pair? They are both waiting patiently in my garage for their make-over.
Meg decided that the paint and technique that I used on the French Cedar Blanket Chest (below) is exactly what she wants on these beauties.
I’m getting started on these this week. I have a feeling they will be spectacular
I must add a big thanks to everyone who commented on my dining room dilemma! You all gave excellent advice and after reading every comment, both for and against, I am going to work on the “new” table and my existing table and make a decision afterward. You are all wonderful and your comments much appreciated. I hope to get this done soon as the holiday season is slowly creeping up on us all – yikes!
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I think your pieces are gorgeous and you will only make them more so–can’t wait to see them done!