Get ready for a fun ride! I am about to embark on a new project – painting my laminate kitchen countertops!
I have disliked them for years because they are dark and quite old. They just never look clean anymore. I really want to purchase new, quartzite countertops but at this time, the cost is a bit prohibitive. And so, I will return to my roots and break out that paint brush!
Here is a pic of what they look like today. And yes, I am starting to collect vintage Pyrex

I’m about to get started and will share once I know what I am doing. That is the way I roll. Kind of no plan until there is one.
In other news, I found a Brass Monkey Band at the thrift store! Now, how many of you can ever say that?

And some more gorgeous paintings for my walls.

Oh, and here is my latest watercolor to share!
I’ll post pics on Instagram of the kitchen in progress
Hey, if your son is still down here at SU there is a guy who sells Pyrex every so often at a yard sale locally.
If you are looking for a certain piece or color I
can pop over there and see if they have what you
might want and your son can take it to you the next
time he heads home. Of course I know a lot of
classes are not being done on campus.
Looking forward to seeing your counter top makeover.
I am very interested in your painted kitchen counter tops. Is there any way you can publish the steps you took and the painting technique you used.
Rita S Wall
Hi Rita, I am working on a YouTube tutorial and hope to post it soon! Thanks!