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At this time of the year many people start to focus on their gardens. Yet if you’re stuck inside, staring through the window at the cascading rain don’t fret. There are other things you can do to brighten your home. The garden will still be there when the rain stops. In the meantime, take a look at your furniture. There are various ways you can get the most out of it or turn it into something unique. Your home will dictate what you can and can’t do space wise, but still there’s always something you can do no matter your home type. You could be in a mansion or a studio flat, it doesn’t matter. These tips can help you get the most out of your furniture.

Think of Storage
Storage can become a challenge, especially when you start to have children. A lot of new homes omit traditional cupboards and space to make the home more spacious. It’s great, but when you’re looking for somewhere to store the spare towels or appliances it can be frustrating. You can remedy this. Storage solutions can help you get the most out of the space you have. You can look at cabinet design as a first point of call, but there are other options too. Have a look at your bed. Do you have a low slung frame, or perhaps even a traditional frame with limited under bed storage? Think of the surface space under there, especially if its a king or queen size. You can get beds that maximize the storage underneath with a simple lift of the mattress. Look at your entrance hall too. A lot of people like to keep these clean and spacious which is fine, but imagine the amount of storage a small sideboard would provide. These little additions make a huge difference if you’re hunting for more storage space throughout your home.

Be Unique
Everyone has furniture. So you may think being unique is tough, and it is. If you’re buying from the main furniture stores you’re going to be selecting mass produced items. There are ways around this, and not ways which cost a fortune. Sure, you can go off to a designer furniture store and get something bespoke designed for your home but you can save some money doing it yourself. If you have an artsy streak you can paint and style out your furniture pieces to really give them a sense of uniqueness and be guaranteed a one of a kind item . Unless it’s so good you consider making more and selling your pieces. A great way of being unique is in having certain photos and pictures around the home but if you couple this with bespoke items of furniture you’ll be onto a winner that singles your home out above others.

Feng Shui
Some people laugh at it, others live by it. For the uninitiated, Feng Shui is a Chinese term which essentially means placing certain items around your home in certain locations for harmonization. It can give your home a unique look designed to make you feel good. If you’re a spiritual person, really getting into Feng Shui can have a payoff. But you need to really buy into it for it to work. There are reported health benefits too. If you’re someone with severe OCD, needing to have items in the exact right places then Feng Shui can help you live a more peaceful life. In any case, in the worst case scenario it can give you other ideas about where to place certain items so your time won’t be wasted.

Clear Out Clutter
This is about making storage, not getting rid of it. But clearing out can form up more space for storage. Look in the attic for a start. What useless junk do you have up there that can be cleared out for storage space? People do the same with random cupboards and draws. They’ll be stuffed full of old papers and junk that can be thrown out and reutilized. Books are another space killer. Do you have rows of books you haven’t read in years? Get rid of them. Take them to a charity store or sell them for a little side cash. The space can be used for a sideboard instead. You can phase out books altogether if you decide to get a Kindle or other e-reader device. A good clear out of the clutter can open up new spaces for you and help you reorganize the whole home in a way that keeps you and the family far happier.