Oh my goodness! I’m better! What a horrible experience I went through with the flu. Honestly, I’m still only at 90 percent but getting stronger every day. Part of getting better is getting back to work! My current project is this extremely decorative cast iron garden bench. It’s full of interesting details.
I spent quite a long time sanding back the wooden seat slats to get the old paint off and have now applied the first coat of General Finishes Driftwood. It really is starting to take shape and the details – in particular the birds – are now beginning to show. Here are a few “before”pics and I’ll share the full reveal in a few days!
I’m sharing a fun post tomorrow. I decided to take part in a contest called the Fab Furniture Flippin’ Contest so I’ll show you all my entry piece. Until then!
This bench is pretty, when you are finish it’s going to be Beautiful.
The bench is pretty. I can’t wait to see it finished. Hope you are feeling better.