When my son was very little we belonged to a neighborhood playgroup. It was all mothers with their toddlers and we met once a week. My son, Matthew was a very early reader. He actually could read at 18 months. Many don’t believe this possible but it was the case with our son. He was fascinated with letters and numbers and while other boys were playing with trucks, he was watching his “Colors, Shapes and Counting” video for the 1oth time that day. A few other mothers in the group were catty about my son’s ability. They would make faces behind my back and one actually told me that I must strap him into his high chair every day and read the alphabet over and over to him. It was mean and hurt my feelings.
There was one mother whose daughter was the exact same age as my son, born actually within a few weeks of each other. Her daughter could not read, had no interest in shapes, numbers, etc. but loved to play and have fun. Did this mother ever compare her daughter with my son? No. She was confident in her child’s abilities and it never occurred to her. Needless to say, we became the best of friends and have stayed in touch throughout the years. Where her daughter had to learn how to read in grade school, my son had to learn how to overcome his shyness. Her daughter is now a star volleyball player on her school and travel team, is in the top of her class at a very competitive high school and is gorgeous. My son plays baseball and not only do I love to watch him pitch, I love to watch him having a great time with his friends. He also is a great student taking AP classes in a very competitive high school and is happy.
What is my point? It is to be confident in your abilities. Do not compare yourself and your talents with others. We all are different and what comes easily to one may not to another. It is necessary for balance in this world we share. This really pertains to a creative business. Don’t try to imitate in order to be “as good as” another artist. Be yourself and produce your own vision and take a big, deep breath and put it out there for others to see. Have fun in your creative endeavors, be it for profit or for hobby. Share your knowledge with others without fear for yourself and your craft. There is room for all!
Well said. We should let other peoples talents inspire us, not be envious of them. When I first starting painting, I looked to painters like yourself for inspiration. I’ve tried many different applications in an effort to please others’ tastes and imitate other great painters. I still do experiment and look for advice on technique, but now I paint in my own style and hope others will like it too. Seems to be working so far.
Nicely put and I thank you saying/typing for it. Incidentally, you son is gorgeous with a very sweet demeanor, per the photo of him with his darling mother.
Take care.
Thanks so much!
Geez, I hardly ever comment, but this struck a cord with me. You couldn’t of said it better!! Thanks for the inspiration. Very true and very touching!
You are so welcome!
As always I find what your advice useful…thank you
How true, how true. It sounds like you are a mother who knows how to raise a confident child. Congrats on that. Really nice photo of the both of you.
PS I am getting double posts from you and I am not sure how to correct it.
Hi Cyn – did you subscribe via email and also the blog? I would suggest unsubscribing from both and then trying again only one way. Thanks again
Thanks for the reminder. Cute kid!
Thank you for sharing! That was heart-felt and inspired me!
You are very welcome!
Suzanne, this was brilliant! As a former teacher, counselor and retired college professor, I wish every parent could read what you have written. This sums up what we educators have been trying to tell parents and students for years. You write so beautifully, and with such wisdom, have you ever considered publishing some of your truths and insights? Bev
Thank you, Bev! You are too kind. I have never contemplated publishing but thank you so much for the compliment!
That was beautifully said. We all have different talents and we should stop comparing ourselves to others. We are all special and a gift to know. Thank you for writing that.
Very well said. And you have a very handsome son! I love your talent along with others. Wish I had the confidence to try some of the things you do.
Thank you, Susan and you should just give it a try. You will have fun!
i just wish some of the dolts in this world could abide by this suz well put and wow you raise a well rounded good looker xx
Thank you so much Chris!
Such a valuable lesson for way too many women! I’m always shocked when people ask what color they should paint a piece. I use your ideas and those of other creative people for a starting point for my projects. I’m a much better copier than creator. But at some point we must all put the brush in our hand and begin to paint. It is harder for some than others, but it is wonderful for you to acknowledge that and encourage all of us, and especially those with less confidence than you.
Thank you, Rebecca. That is what is wonderful about art. How we each interpret it. Cheers!
Suzanne, I just read your post. It’s so true and a timely reminder. A lot of folks rush to judgement but encouragement leads to confidence. I support the theory that we are all creative in different ways. It’s a wonderful journey.
This is so good. So good. And so easy to do the opposite, especially in today’s social media environment!