I just lucked into this little vintage bedroom set. It is a great size and very sturdy. Dovetailed drawers, wheels on the feet, clean lines…
Well, they would have been clean if someone hadn’t decided to try their hand at painting them.
It is always so much harder fixing another person’s work than it is starting from scratch. Sigh!
I feel like you’ll be helping this furniture back to happiness. Very sad right now. Can’t wait to see it finished.
YIKES!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN . . .
I can’t wait to see the magic you work on this great set!
so cute, and i agree- so hard fixing messy paint jobs! i usually stay away from them due to the aggravation they can cause!
HURRY HURRY!!! i have a similar bureau and need inspiration!! it’s very plain…curently painted teal….thought about a wash of M.M.Ironstone…now i’m not sure….standing by for ideas!!
Just began so give me a few days
and inspiration should hit me soon!
you can do it xx
I shall try
Wow! You will make it beautiful again!
Thanks for your confidence, Kim!
It’s a great set!! Can’t wait to see the redo!!
YIKES AND YIKES AGAIN!!! Better you than me!! Lol
Ha! Just spent over an hour sanding – yes better me than you lol!
I’m with everyone else ^^ I can’t wait to see how you bring these back to life:) I know they’ll be beautiful again
Thanks, Mimi!
I see the potential, and glad you rescued them, … but yikes! … you’ll get a work out on those pieces! Looking forward to seeing their after!
Oh, man. Was out there for an hour today sanding away – such a pain when people can’t paint and let drips dry everywhere! Wish me luck tomorrow!
I’m interested to see what you come up with too, Suzanne and I know it will be good! I’ve got a similar set which is still in it’s original state – a mahogany circa 1930-1945 (?). I’ve been toying with the idea for years of painting it – asked you about it one time before, I think.. Still can’t figure out what to do so I’m looking forward to this your new project.