What to do with a very old, dinged up pewter jug?
Why, buy it (of course) and sit back and admire its beauty.Then put it in the crate that you found on the side of the road, on top of vintage gardening books that your mother gave you, and place some flowers in it that you bought at Trader Joe’s.
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Miss Mustard Seed
so simple but so gorgeous xx
Thank you! It is simple and yet so sweet
I always love your posts especially sharing things that even I could do. Thanks so much!!
Thanks, Liz! So funny!
Perfect! I love the entire display!
Love this idea for a gateleg table just like mine, except mine is stained. My dad and I took off layers of red, blue and green paint in the early 80’s and then he helped me stain it walnut. I love the white but don’t think I can paint it just yet. There are too many memories there! I did pin it for the future. Love the box, jug and flower arrangements.
Hi Pam! No, you can’t paint it after all that work you and your father did! Maybe one day in the future
Thanks so much!