To share your work on Share a Site Friday, please email me at or post a comment below. I will share anyone and everything (well, almost)!
Please keep the requests coming! I seriously ♥ them. You really are a talented group of paintaholics!
Hello, all! Friday again and it’s a three day weekend. Fantastic! We are spending Memorial Day at home with barbeques to attend and our neighborhood pool to jump into. I need to go bathing suit shopping today – dread. I think it’s the combo of a three way mirror and a body that hasn’t seen the sun in a year that creates quite a visual shock
So, we are back to Share a Site Friday today! Let’s just dive right in. First up is a fantastic site that contacted me a few weeks ago. I was already a follower and fan and am now thrilled to share their gorgeous work. Touch the Wood, Shabby Chic Furniture Restoration is the creation of Kat and Kris, who live in the UK. Can I add that I’m soooooo jealous of the gorgeous furniture that one can apparently find in England?
Kat and Kris are the masters at graphic transfers and share their free printable images on their site. So beautiful.
Their pieces all share the same, beautiful shabby chic aesthetic that I happen to love. Sigh…
You can also click onto their gorgeous facebook page for more inspiration.
Another share today is the site, Creative Moments. They create both smaller items…
and tackled this huge china cabinet.
You can find them on their blog or facebook site!
I want to thank everyone for your well wishes on my back. It is improving and a long weekend off is exactly what I need. Have a GREAT Memorial Day weekend!
Join the Fun! I Always Love More Subscribers!
Just stopping by for my daily fix of TPD and am so glad you shared Touch the Wood, Shabby Chic Furniture Restoration! I, too, follow them along on FB and love, love, love their work. I’m off to take a visit at Creative Moments! It’s so much fun each week discovering new talent! Thank you for these posts! Feel better and enjoy your weekend!
Love your blog and your projects!! You do amazing work. I am just getting started, but have a couple chairs posted on my site that might interest you. Take a peek and let me know what you think! Thanks!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my work. I mix my own chalk paint for furniture and decor and also paint primitive style signs using reclaimed wood shelving and boards. I use a laser printing process to transfer both vintage graphics and my own designs for both the signs and furniture. You can find me at
Thanks so much, Suzanne, for featuring our work!
Touch the Wood,
Kat & Kris