Whether you are raising a teenager who likes to pile up the dishes as high as possible before washing them or feel as though your home is a magnet for clutter – there are many reasons as to why you might feel as though your home is looking a little worse for wear.
While it’s important to remember that this is perfectly normal – and despite what they say, nobody’s home looks like a showroom 100% of the time – there are various steps you can take to reduce clutter and keep your home in good shape! Here are some ideas to get you started!
- Find ways to increase your storage space at home so that there is a place for everything – and everything can go in its place. For example, children’s toys can be stored in under-bed boxes or drawers instead of the floor (or stairs, or kitchen, or wherever they seem to call home).
- Whether you’ve recently found a new broadband provider or set up a gaming console – bulky wires create a lot of unnecessary clutter. Furthermore, it can cause problems if they become entangled. Swap them out for a lightweight fiber cable, which takes up considerably less space, making for a cleaner, more polished-looking room.
- Install additional shelving in areas where you feel as though clutter seems to gravitate. This means that you can make better use of the space available to you.
- Try to declutter your house as often as possible – including the things that you store away in cupboards and drawers only to forget about later. For example, we often keep clothes in our wardrobe that we no longer need or wear. One way in which you can better manage your clothing clutter is by turning all of your hangers, so they face the back of the wardrobe. Then, whenever you wear an item, turn the hanger to face the right way. At the end of the month, take a look at the clothes that are still facing away from you – as these are probably the clothes you no longer need. Then, you can either resell them for some extra cash or donate them to charity!
- Set aside a certain amount of time each week that you can dedicate to cleaning. Though this may seem a little boring (and very ‘grown-up’), it’s the easiest way to keep on top of tasks and stop any mess from building up. Thankfully – this doesn’t mean you need to spend the entire day cleaning. You could perform the tasks over the week as opposed to all at once.
- Splash out on the occasional fancy cleaning gadget that will make your life a little easier. For example, if you live in a home with pets or often leave crumbs around the house – then a Roomba (or similar device) is a great choice, as it means you don’t have to spend hours vacuuming yourself – you can press a few buttons and relax.
Remember that the exterior and front view of your home also need to be kept in good condition and will therefore require a little TLC from time to time. For example, you should keep the garden looking neat and tidy, clean out the gutters and arrange for the windows to be cleaned. By dealing with any issues the moment they arise, you are saving yourself valuable time and money in the long run as they will only require more and more attention as time goes on.
Please note that some of the links above and below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.
Good read, thanks for the suggestions.