The way you design your bedroom is incredibly important for your sleep cycle. You need to ensure that you’re sleeping well every single night your head hits the pillow, and of course, many factors are involved in that. But a lot of what goes into a good night’s sleep is based on how your bedroom looks, and where you keep everything in it!
You’ll happily redesign your living room to be more comfy, and your kitchen to feel more luxurious and practical, so why not focus a little more energy on your bedroom? It’s time to ensure that your bedroom both looks good and feels good. Let’s go through some simple design tips below, to help you put things in a better position in your bedroom, and get a good night’s rest because of it.
Reorientate Your Bed
Where your bed is in your room could be a major disruption for you and your sleep cycle. After all, you need to be able to truly relax, and be able to cool down and settle in; for example, if your bed is against the opposite wall to your window, you might want to move it so it’s near the window, so you can get the breeze during the night, especially during the summer months!
You could also think about changing the kind of bedding you’re sleeping on. If you have an old memory foam mattress to go to sleep on every night, maybe you should try getting a GelFoamBed instead? It might be much suited to your tastes, and it’s definitely much cooler to sleep on during the warm, unbearable nights!
Include Cooling Items
Following on from what’s mentioned above, you’re going to need to cool your room down so you can sleep better. So, that means you might need an AC unit, or a fan, or even just a dehumidifier to use over the night. The latter alone will draw the moisture out of the air, so even when it’s warm, it’ll be dry, and far better for your temperature regulation than a usual humid night.
Paint with a New Color
And finally, you might want to paint your bedroom a new color as well. After all, some colors are better for our brains and getting it to relax than other colors – a blue wall, for example, is going to be very good at getting you to stay awake when you’re on your phone in bed, whereas a yellow or green wall could be much more calming on your mental state. If you’re finding your room quite loud at night, even in the dark, it’s time to break the paints out and have a redec!
Your bedroom might not be properly suited to your bedtime habits. Make sure you’re keeping the above tips in mind when you’re trying to get to sleep at night, and when the time comes for you to redecorate your bedroom. You’re sleeping in there, and that should be your main focus!
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