Flooding in your home isn’t something that you ever want to deal with, but it’s a reality in many places. We had an issue of our basement flooding in our old house and it caused a lot of stress. Flooding can cause a lot of damage both inside and outside your home, so taking steps to protect your property is vital. Use these tips to get started.
Protect Electrical Systems
The last thing you want when your home floods is for the water to get into the electrical system. Not only could it stop things working, but it might also be extremely dangerous. Any sockets, circuit breakers and wiring should be above the flood level in your home.
Waterproof Your Basement
Your basement is likely going to flood before anything else, even when there’s no risk of the rest of your home flooding. Proper waterproofing in your basement is essential, starting with a pump system. This is really essential if you live in a flood prone area or if the exterior of your home drains towards the foundation. If your basement is unfinished, you can paint the walls with a masonry waterproofing paint. This can be found in any home improvement store.
Flooding is often inevitable, and you can’t do much to hold it at bay. But you can take steps to minimize it, such as ensuring your gutters are clean. You can move furniture out of the way and turn off electricity too. I also think you should keep a flashlight and emergency pack upstairs in closet, just in case.
Be Prepared for Cleanup
After flooding, you should try to minimize the damage. Being prepared for cleanup will help, and there are many things that can help you to dry everything out. We used a professional company that specialized in water clean up and restoration when we had to re-do our basement after it flooded. Use the suggested equipment below if you want to be able to do the cleanup yourself.

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