This post is not about design, diy or paint – say, what? It is, however, about restoring.
I have been inundated lately with nasty and mean comments on YouTube. Honestly, disgusting comments. I appreciate constructive criticism but these are just hate. They are about my looks, or worse, and I delete and report them (to no avail). Even though I try not to let them get to me, they kind of do. These people hide behind their screens and post vile comments but what really gets me is that they must also be part of society. I must pass them on the street, or stand in line with them at the store, or sit next to them in a restaurant. Sigh.
This is why I am sharing today’s post. Because it is about the opposite of hate. It is about compassion and caring. My friend, Kenny invited me and my daughter to accompany him last weekend to help with the Grate Patrol, a program run by St. Paul’s Parish in DC. During the week, parishioners make bagged breakfasts (sandwich/hard boiled egg/banana) and place them into containers. The Grate Patrol volunteers arrive at 5am on Saturday and Sunday mornings, divide a map of the city between them and load their cars with the food to bring it to the homeless.
Kenny, Ella and I placed the containers of bagged food, a huge vat of hot coffee, waters, hand warmers and new socks to distribute. Once the van was loaded, we headed out in the cold and dark.
We searched the city high and low to find the homeless, the hungry and the cold. People were sleeping in tents under the highway, on sidewalks against buildings, at metro stops and in parks. Kenny knew exactly who to look for. Some people were slowly walking down the street and I would have passed them, not realizing that they were homeless and hungry. He would stop the van, jump out and hand them food.
They were young and old, men and women and one man had a dog in this sleeping bag. We spent 4 hours locating as many needy people as possible and giving them a bagged breakfast and a hot coffee. Their hands were shaking with the cold and we would give them hand warmers and socks. They were also kind, grateful and smiling. Even while laying on the freezing cold concrete or in tents under bridges, every single person said, “thank you” and smiled.
We came home and I just sat in my kitchen with my hot coffee and absorbed what we had experienced.
Ella and I plan on volunteering every month.
This restored my faith in humanity.
Wonderful ministry. Thanks for the post. It “restoreth” hope!
Your posts are a highlight of my day! You are a BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, CARING WOMAN!
I admire you so much, and so do others. Keep your chin up! We live in trying times and you are a light in the darkness!
God Bless you!
I will never understand why some people get pleasure from causing other people pain. I am so sorry that you have to see that kind of misery every day. Please remember, their comments are not a reflection on or of you, that kind of mean-spiritedness comes from from their own broken selves and they are really commenting on their own ugliness…inside and/or out.
You are a kind and generous lady, sharing your knowledge and life and experience with all of us, and I know that I’m not the only one who appreciates that. Beauty isn’t necessarily what we see, it is what we do, and you do a whole lot of good!
What a wonderful lesson your early moring volunteering has taught Ella…and the rest of us.
I enjoy your posts and find the videos very helpful on how to make over furniture. You have a gift and I’m very sorry to hear that people are rude and mean to you. Thank you so much for this post about caring for the homeless. What a blessing this ministry is doing and I’m glad you and your daughter were able to share this together. Keep your chin up and know that there are folks who do appreciate you and your talents. God Bless!
Keyboard courage. It surely can bring out the very worst in people! I always wonder what kind of awful lives they must lead to find it necessary to leave such hateful messages. Even though it hurts hopefully you can just shake it off in the infamous words of Taylor Swift. Not easy I know but necessary.
Fighting the hate with such works of kindness is the BEST!! I’m always dismayed to read how people can treat the homeless with such disregard. It only seems worse when it seems to make them feel better.. Kindness for the least of us is the most important thing we do. Blessings!
Shocking, to hear of this. Horrible, to be happening to someone I “know.” Random acts of violence is what they are, you the random recipient. God cries, too, is what our minister said to the congregation after a grievous event occurred within the church family. You’ve done something cleansing in helping to distribute the coffee, water, and food to suffering individuals. Why does unwarranted abuse from an unrelated source outside the self make the recipient of it feel so badly? IDK. But it’s probably only initially, and shortly you will have processed it and will be free of its harmful effects. Its power will cease to be. A blessing upon you. you because you took something negative and made it positive. We cannot always change other people but we can do good ourselves. I feel sorry for negative people… is too short to waste on negative energ.
Your blog and information is always helpful and I appreciate your sharing of your knowledge. Thank you.
Your are a beautiful person, inside and out. May God bless you and may he keep all the trolls off of youtube.
Positive energy has more power and strength and travels faster than negative thoughts. Thanks for sharing your positive experience in reaching out to a population that many just don’t see. I hope your family is able to continue this service. 😀
As for social media, could you turn off the comments? If people have a genuine interest or ??, they can very easily email you from your blog. Just a suggestion. As I tell my kids, “chin up buttercup, you know your worth.” (Truth, mostly I say, suck it up, buttercup, but “chin” sounds nicer!) 😀
You are beautiful both inside and out! And so is everything you post! There will always be haters. Pay no mind to them! I thoroughly enjoy all that you share with us as I believe so many others do, as well.
That was a wonderful to do. Just another thing we can all do in case we run into a homeless person. Take a gallon bag, put a pair of tube socks, baby wipes, bottle of water, some packages of the chicken with crackers packs, or non perishable food items, and anything that will fit that would help,…a knitted cap, etc. and keep a few in your car for those times when you see someone in need.
You’ve made my day! And restored my faith in humanity. God bless you. And make no mind to the nay Sayers. I pity them, and would give them no credence. Ignore the ignoramuses. Smile and be proud of your family and yourself.
I’m sorry that this happens to you. I had no idea…. it’s very hurtful and sad. Please know that you bring so many of us pleasure and joy! I look forward to your posts, instructions, and funnies, every day!
You did a very good thing with your daughter. I work in a public library across from a shelter. I don’t know if most people realize how many are affected busy homelessness.
Wishing you lots of love and good energy! ??
For some reason the evil in our society speaks louder and has a wider audience than the good. We can’t give up! Keep the faith and spread the love.
I am tearful as I read this post. First of all thank you for your compassion for those who so need our help. But for the grace of God, that could be me. Thank you. Secondly, you do not deserve any hate what so ever. The haters are able to hide behind their devices and say whatever they want. It is so awful and so unimaginable for those of us who do not live like that. Life must be awful for them and not filled with the love of our Lord and Savior. We love you Suzanne and keep doing what you are doing. I love your blog, and your painting hints and talents that you share with us. Keep it up. And thank you for your kind loving ways and generous heart.
I’m sorry to hear about the utube ‘fiasco’ Suzanne – and it’s easy for us to say you’ll be fine etc etc but ….. it is more difficult in reality. As other people have said to you – you are an inspiration to us all. 1. For all your beautiful and creative flair with furniture and 2. your beauty inside and out and that’s the main thing you hold on to. People can be so cruel of other’s vision of our ‘outside’ – they do not know the real ‘you’/’us’ – they do not know what you have been through and those sort of people are not even interested in knowing the ‘real’ you. But……. one thing I do know Suzanne and that is ‘what goes around comes around’ and one day something bad will happen to them. All I can say is just keep doing what your doing and know that there are more nice, kind and considerate people around you that do care about you 🙂 xx
What a wonderful thing you are doing — both you and your daughter. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. Love your blog and have gotten some many great ideas from it. Thank you.
How miserable some people must be to put others down in order to make themselves feel superior. I feel bad for you, a n innocent victim of this behavior. Your remedy of lifting others is indeed commendable. You and your posts are highly valued by so many. I hope your story will encourage others to follow your path.
So very sorry you are experiencing these hate comments, Suzanne. Seems to have become the norm since January 2017. It is so hard to ignore, but we must not normalize it. Thank you for helping with the Grate Patrol.
I am so sorry to hear of the nastiness you’ve endured. I truly cannot comprehend why people need to post such cruel comments to ANYONE. As someone above so aptly stated, it is their brokenness and wounds that they are displaying when posting hateful comments, but of course it’s difficult to not take it personally. Love always triumphs! Thank you for posting a beautiful example of how YOU love!
You are an inspiration to us, and you share your knowledge so freely. You even inspired me to finally paint an old end table with gorgeous details. I love your before pics! We love you!
just imagine how miserable those people must be, to lash out at someone for no reason! They must be very lonely and sad. I know you know that. I just see what a wonderful family you have and what a caring life you lead. You are a true artist; I am always impressed with your work. You are my go-to-girl when I start a new project. I hope the love you are receiving is wrapping a shield around you. To put yourself out there is to risk ridicule, but think of all the truly great folks, including Jesus, that did just that…
Oh Suzanne your a kind soul, how wonderful you are spreading your faith, please do not listen or worry about unkind people, not worth the energy.
Dittos here. I’ve never commented before, but I look forward to your blog everyday.
Don’t pay attention to haters. Don’t go where you will see their comments. So easy to be brave when hiding behind a screen. You are talented and humble. Forget them!
You have a kind, compassionate and gentle heart. What a beautiful example you are for your family, taking in foster dogs and sharing food and warmth with those so desperately in need. Your post should remind all of us to always be kind with our words, because words do have power. I enjoy your posts and have especially appreciated your honesty concerning PDT, as I am looking at having at least 3 areas of my body treated. Always remember who you are!
When this happens to me, and it happens to all of us at some time, I am reminded to “Cast your cares”.
The way you share your talent is a real gift. So keep on, keeping on and be blessed!
Always enjoy your posts. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of furniture upgrades. Especially was moved by today’s post. Thank you! You are a warm and beautiful person. Worries me how our society has become so gruel. The golden rule was a powerful well taught rule back when we were kids…..should becoming ” trendy” again!!
As usual I always love your blog and ideas you give to us, but especially the one I read tonight. It touched my heart that you and your family gave of your time to help someone else. We always receive more than we give. That is God working. People that have something negative to say are people of the devil, don’t feel good about themselves so they have to put everybody down, trying to bring themselves up, but it doesn’t work. Just forget what people say and do. God and you know what you did and why you did it. I love you and your family for helping people in need. It is so sad that we have that many people hungry in the US.
Suzanne there will always be haters. They’re envious of your talent and so they have to find negative things to say to make themselves feel better. Just delete and move on. Build your support system and encourage each other on a regular basis. You do wonderful work. Don’t let the haters ruin your party!??
What a kind and lovely thing you did! In my neck of the woods, there are folks who not only won’t give to the homeless, but who vigorously go after those who do, shaming them for their generosity. And the remarks online! It’s a vicious world we live in. Your blog, and your videos are a delight, and you’re a gorgeous woman who makes gorgeous furniture out of castoff pieces. I hope you take heart from the messages above and recognize the nastiness for what it is. Just know that it was there before you posted, it’ll be there after you leave, and in no way did you evoke nor do you deserve it.
Adding to my post above…I went looking for your you tubes and instead found some chalk paint makeovers by other artists (not as talented as you, to be sure.) What struck me was the harshness of some of the comments. Although there were plenty of compliments, between all the “wonderful” and “awesome!” comments, there were some like these:
“C’est horrible !!!!! What a shame !!!”
“So, that’s a $900.00 dresser that is now worth $20.00 because of that sh*t you smudged all over it! People like you should never be trusted with antiques.”
“My daughter in law uses this crappy process.”
“Syrupy, verbal diarrhea.”
And curiously, I noticed that, although this is by no means a random survey, all the really gross, ugly comments seemed to come from MEN. Just saying.
And here are comments on Annie Sloan’s own video:
“Congratulations, you just ruined a perfectly fine piece of furniture.”
“I’m out. Antique or reproduction, the finished product looks like shit.”
So…Annie Sloan replied: “If you don’t like the style then I suggest you don’t use my paint. It is obviously not for you. The world is full of conflicting ideas and styles.”
I weep as I read how cruel people have been to you. I find it reprehensible how evil some people are. If all people would “CHOOSE KINDNESS” our world would be so different. God Bless you for your loving way of turning something so ugly into something so beautiful. You are a beautiful person, Suzanne. Thanks for always giving us inspiration.
I am so sorry for the cruel comments. I was always taught if you can’t say something nice don’t say it. Constructive criticism is one thing but cruel comments are uncalled for. You and your daughter are so kind and are doing a wonderful thing.
I just found your site, and thank God for that. You guys are so encouraging, seeing your kid getting involved in giving to the homeless. We as parents need to take your lead in teaching our kids what the true meaning of giving is all about. Not spending every free second in front of a video game, get up, get out and reach out to others that’s in need. Thank you for this lovely post. I will share this with my son. I too, am so sorry about nasty posts. I thinks all of that is due to the times we are now living in. It’s all about greet, hatred, no respect toward others, and not enough love for one another. Don’t give up, keep doing what you are doing, and don’t let ugly and nastiness change the good that’s inside of you and your family.
So sorry to hear about those comments regarding you…I send prayers that you don’t take them to heart and know how blessed you make us feel when we visit your site. No one comment should undo the faith we have in our hearts, but we are human and sometimes when it’s more than once, it can hurt. Who knows what or why people say such negative things about us, but I have to believe they are just so unhappy or haven’t been shown enough love and appreciation in their own lives, that bullying another gives them a moment of control, I guess. Just know you are loved and appreciated by all of us, your followers of the many wonderful things you do and say!! thank you for being you, Suzanne….
I am just another voice among many but I am deeply sorry this has been happening tp you. I can’t make any excuses for the miserable, disgusting “people” who have done this to you. There is no reason or excuse behind it. I will say you are among my top 3 bloggers, I love your work and it’s always you I go to to pick colors for my home, my furniture and my life. Your art is beautiful, but is dim when compared to the beauty you carry in your heart. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits! We love you!