The big Christmas tree debate…fake or real? Some love the faux trees while others are vehemently opposed. When my son was two and my daughter a newborn, we decided to take a drive to purchase our Christmas tree. Due to the fact that I had just had a baby a few weeks prior, we were late in the season and drove from tree lot to tree lot in desperate search for a decent, live tree. We were in the car driving to yet another lot when my newborn started to cry. It was that desperate newborn cry that would put me in a slight panic. I couldn’t take it and told my husband to drive to KMart and buy a fake tree. He picked out a tree that was pre-lit and also – get this – on a rotating stand. It was actually so cheesy that it was awesome. There was no pretense in this tree. It was fake and it was letting the world know it.
My newborn turns 16 tomorrow and we still have that tree! We have carted it out of the basement year after year and watched it turn with our presents underneath. Unfortunately, last year the lights on the top of the tree stopped working. It is starting to show its age and I have been thinking of what to do. Do we go back to “real” again after all of these years? Or, should I try and replicate my grandparent’s 70’s fake white tree?
You see, my grandparents in the 70’s had this great fake Christmas tree. It was white and like our tree, was in no way trying to look real. It owned its fakeness and I used to love it. I have been waiting for the opportunity to purchase a white tree like my grandparent’s tree and bam! This year on Black Friday one appeared in my email in a Target ad. I broke down and bought it as it was a great deal.
Now we have a dilemma. The new white tree is quite small at only 4’5″ compared to our still working but super old, twirling green tree that is 6 ft. Plus there is still the option of buying a real tree this year. I’ve decided to wait until my white tree arrives and I’ll see how it looks. My now 16 year old, Ella has high opinions on the matter. She insists on digging the old twirling tree out from the basement and that my new little white tree won’t cut it. The Christmas tree debate in our house is on!
Here are a few pics from Pinterest that I found of fake white Christmas trees. They are all so lovely!

image via Pinterest

image via Pinterest

image via Pinterest

image via Pinterest

image via Pinterest
I hope to get the tree soon and set it up. I’ll share on the blog and see what you all think!
I’m so amazed your wonderful fake tree from Kmart kept lighting the way for 15 years. Truly amazing! Lol
It actually is pretty amazing that it has held up so well after all of these years. Especially as we just throw in (literally) back into a box and into the basement with no care taken at all! It has definitely been a good bang for the buck!
There’s always the option of putting up more than one tree !
Yes, we shall have one tree in each room and it will be a very festive house this year! I’ll share pics lol!
Doesn’t have to be an either/or can be a both/and – do ’em both!! Artificial AND real!!
Yes, we have come to a truce lol and will do both! Antique Farmhouse is awesome btw and you will love their stuff!
Wow – just had to add that I just saw the Antique Farm House online store – WHAT a great place to shop!! Have signed up and am looking for gifts and for me!!
When I first moved out on my own, I had a white tabletop tree. Not nearly as nice as tho one you have purchased.I decorated it with gold ball and garland. Last year the laast gold ball broke after 46 years. I love the white tree.
Oh, Linda you should go and buy a few new gold ornaments. It sounds lovely! I love that you have had it for 46 years – fantastic!
You MUST do both. The old one for your daughter (she’ll be leaving for college in two years). And the new one for you (imagine how it will make you think of being young and with your grandparents at Christmas). Please do both!
Okay, now I’m crying lol! I know she is leaving us soon
but first I have to get over my son leaving in the fall. I think you are right and shall go with our twirling tree in the family room and my new white one in the living room A truce!
We’ve always had a fake that looks as close to the real thing as possible. We’ve never had a white tree but yesterday while visiting my Mom at her extended care facility, they had the most adorable white tree in the lobby decorated like a snowman, complete with top hat. It was tastefully decorated and made me wish I had a white tree somewhere in my home.
That sounds so cute! I see you are a fan of the fake as well
they just are so easy every year. I may never go back to real after all these years. Plus, the real trees around here are super expensive. However, I am aware that some are aghast at the mention of a fake tree lol! To each his own. You should buy a small white tree to do the snowman idea – I’m sure you can find space somewhere 
In the 70’s we used to purchase real flocked trees. You could get any color, but we always got white. After years of a flocked tree, we got a fake green prelite tree. It was beautiful and very realistic, but it didn’t come apart and was so heavy, we needed help getting it out of the basement. I donated it after the second Christmas! After that off to the tree farm to cut our own. And guess what? This year I lightly flocked the real tree from the tree farm myself. I just put the lights on it last night, and it’s beautiful.
I bet is looks gorgeous! I haven’t owned a real tree for so long lol and have no idea how to flock it and honestly even stringing the lights may pose a problem lol! Thanks so much for sharing!
Flocked trees do not recycle, straight to the landfill. Just so you know!
Good to know. This should be shared and thanks!
Nice BUT prefer reds and green for Christmas/tree.
I love red and green too. I’m just ready for a change I guess!
Nothing wrong with that . . . . .