Favorite Find Monday: Changing Table for a Nursery Makeover
For those of you in the US, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I spent it with family and had 26 over for a huge Thanksgiving dinner. It was a ton of work but I am pleased to say that it turned out really well. I feel that all of the prep and planning really paid off this year. My turkey was a big success and we all had a fantastic time. The only downside was that the Redskins lost but hey, we are used to that around here
After all of the excitement over the past weekend, I am SO glad to be back to reality! Here is today’s Favorite Find Monday!
Sara is having her baby girl in one month’s time and she and her husband are busy getting the nursery ready. This baby is their third child and she will complete their family. It’s an exciting time! Sara already had this changing table/dresser in her daughter Caroline’s room. We are going to give it a makeover for the new baby’s nursery.
Sara wants a light gray and I am going with Annie Sloan Paris Grey. It is soft and pretty and with new glass drawer pulls, it will definitely give the table new life. The dresser below – A Dresser for Lauren – was done in Paris Gray and it was so soft and pretty when finished. I love this color.
The changing table has a slick finish on it that almost feels like a laminate. I know that Annie Sloan chalk paint will cover this finish well. A few years ago, I painted one of those 1970’s, slick French Provincial pieces with Annie Sloan paint and made a video on the process, Painting Over Laminate with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
What a pretty change table. It’s going to look fantastic done in Paris Grey (one of my favourite AS colours). Happy Painting Suzanne