I was out last week and spotted this painted vintage wicker chair. It was pretty hidden under other items in the thrift store but I managed to drag it out. I couldn’t believe that the wicker is almost entirely intact. Typically when I find old wicker, some has been broken and pieces are missing. There is only one piece missing from this chair. Let’s play, “Where’s Waldo” and see if you can find it
Yes, the very top! It is a small piece and I’m pretty sure I can figure out a way to replicate it and attach it on. What a great find!
Very sweet. What fabulous price did you pay?
Hi Linda, a total of $5.60 (I know, right?!)!
It’s so unique. I love it.
What a fabulous find. I know you wil be able to fix that spot.
Awesome shape, the missing piece is at the top of the chair center circle
I have never seen a wicker chair like that – what a wonderful find!
gorgeousness xx
It is perfect as is! I love it!
We really want to know how much it cost. Very sweet.
OK, brace yourself…$5.60
It’s a beautiful chair!! I couldn’t see any piece missing until you pointed it out. This chair is in great shape!
Thanks, Keri! It certainly is unusual to find one in such good condition!
I didn’t find the missing piece…. It is fabulous. I wouldn’t spend too much time trying to repair it. Just adds a little more charm to an a very charming piece.
You just won the Price Is Right!
Thanks, Gwen! I know – I really scored on this one!