I was a bundle of nerves yesterday and spent the afternoon getting Sophie ready for her performance at Strathmore. She is part of the Strathmore Children’s Chorus. It is a wonderful program that is enriching her life in more ways than we will ever know. As the musical director put it last night, “These children, no matter what faces them ahead in life, will always have this music to fall back on and sustain them.” With all of the material holiday shopping going on, they were beautiful words to hear. The best present a parent can give a child is an appreciation and love of the arts.
1200 people were in attendance, including my brother and sister-in-law, all of her grandparents and great-aunt. She stood up there with her peers and sang her heart out. I have no idea how a child can learn to sing Silent Night in Korean, or a festive song from start to finish in Spanish but she and the other children did. Amazing! The true meaning of the holidays is family that will go out on a very cold Tuesday night and brave the DC area rush hour traffic to support your child!
Don’t forget – only two days left before the Happy Holidays Giveaway! Make sure to sign up for the drawing! You have to be in it to win it!
hi there..just got home from surgery on morphine and some other candy to ease pain and not able ryetead story yet but see a young beauiful face surrounded by proud faces. dont see your face Suzanne and im guessig you were the one who captured it on film and in your heart. Congrats to all!
Hi Neena, yes, I was the one behind the camera (best place to be lol!). Thanks so much and I hope your surgery went well and you are feeling better soon!
Yep, as a mom it is the best place, and that’s why we are hardly ever in the pictures with our kids lol!
Thanks Suzanne, it’s a Part one of Two surgeries and it went well. But hey, if I wasn’t home injured I would never have discovered you or your website because I was hardly ever home. Signed up for your posts so now you’re a permanent fixture :O)
Oh, I am the lucky one! Glad you are on the mend and that you found me
BRAVO Sophie! Congratulations. What a wonderful venue to perform in. You look very happy.
Thanks so much!
Congrats. You are very talented. Have a great Holiday.
What a great way to spend time as a family enjoying the season! You have great kids i know you’re so proud of them. Way to go Sophie!
Thanks, Coco! I hope your holiday season is coming along nicely!
I’m so happy to know that you love music so much, Sophie. It will always be there to enhance your life. Congratulations on what must have been a wonderful concert. You certainly do look happy. I only wish I could have been there. With love from Auntie Bud
We wish you could have been there, too!!! You would have been very proud of your great-niece!