Heart shaped cutouts in furniture
Unpainted oak – any unpainted oak
Vintage pieces repainted with overly styled geometric lines or patterns (unless mid-century modern)
The smell of tobacco in old furniture drawers
Women who jog with just their spandex shorts and sports bra on and look fantastic while doing it
Parisian sayings stamped all over a room (furniture/pillows/lamp shades/cat bowls…)
Parisian sayings in general
Too many ruffles in a room – actually, any ruffles in a room (sorry, but this is my list. Ok, pillows are allowed)
Rooms painted in primary colors
Houses without interior walls (love open floor plans but open air breezeways running above just unnerve me)
Bowl sinks (now I have really ticked some of you off)
Wasting precious hours in the hair salon
The 3pm wave of exhaustion
Losing a piece to someone else who either just got there before me, just emailed the seller before me, or outbid me in an auction – grrrrr.
Snarky bloggers
Gorgeous, colorful and worn Persian rugs
Large, old ceramic mixing bowls
Warm and worn wood floors
Linen White
When my dog gets out and runs full speed in circles around our front yard until he collapses in exhaustion
Sun streaming through a window
Old wooden screen doors
Vintage glass door handles (we had some in our first house and I left them behind. Silly, young me…)
Discovering a beauty in a corner somewhere, covered with junk
Listening to music and painting in solitude
Finally escaping the hair salon and feeling like a million bucks (which is almost what was spent to look like that for approximately two days)
The first cup of coffee after going for a morning walk
The smell of the fall leaves
A comfy chair, a soft blanket, a glass of wine and a great book
Watching my ten year old ride her pink bike to school every day
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Love this! I agree with everything…likes and dislikes 100%
hey….you stole my list!!!
except for the daughter riding the bike. Mine would be the 10 year old grand-daughter riding her pink bike. (P.S. I had a reader the other day asked me out to get cigarette smoke out of furniture drawers. I suggested baking soda….you have any suggestions?)
Hi Lynn – I actually have used baking soda before but have also had luck with taking them out and having them sit in the sun for a few days. I honestly don’t think it can ever be totally eradicated unless you prime and paint the interior of the drawers. I actually avoid those pieces unless it is absolutely drop dead gorgeous!
Not so sure about your dog, but I think we agree on most everything else. Hearts and bowl sinks are really high on my list. BTW, I’m logged in as woodenshoesdancing, but I’m really posting as Kat at https://www.facebook.com/TheHouseattheEndoftheRoad. Why can’t all blogs and social networks just get their act together and let me be me! That’s my biggest dislike.
Hi Kat – this is because you have not seen how fast he races with his beard flying in the wind lol! I just “liked” your fb page and I agree it is confusing with all the social media out there. Having my kids help me keeps me in the game
Oh no! I’m not 100% on all likes and dislikes! Hope this doesn’t put me in the ‘snarky’ column!
Lol, Robin, No I am the snarky blogger!
I agree with you about the Parisian sayings all over the place. Slap a French word on it, and you have a French piece! Not! It’s a Pottery Barn whatcha-ma-call-it with a French word on it. Geez… Snark, snark, snark…
Spot on! 100%