My shipper came by super early this morning to pick up three pieces that are all New York bound.
The Coastal Blue Dresser is on its way to Alexa’s house where it will find a place in her nursery – perfect for a baby boy!
Just peeking out behind Coastal Blue is the French Drexel Dresser.
This beauty is going to Patrice’s home.Patrice also is getting the last Curvy French Desk.
I can’t wait for Alexa and Patrice to see their new pieces!
Now on to this week’s favorite find. It actually wasn’t a true find as my neighbor just up and gave it to me. I think it’s pretty neat. It’s called a Martha Washington sewing table. The top has two compartments on either side that open. Paint will do it wonders!A quick update on Ella and her broken foot. Thanks so much to those who wrote kind get well wishes! It is bad timing to break a foot the first day of summer but she still managed to attend her friend’s bat mitzvah and will hopefully be all better in a few more weeks
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All beautiful and can’t wait to see what you do with the Martha Washington Sewing Table. Also, so happy Ella is still able to enjoy herself and on the mend! Best x
Thanks, Denise!
Love your work. You are super talented. Hope your Ella feels better soon. I’m mom to an Ella also.
Thanks so much! Isn’t Ella the best name ever?!
Great projects!
I used to receive all your email updates, I no longer get them? I miss them!
Hi Kim, I’m sorry to hear this. I have had the same message from quite a few followers and don’t know what is wrong with feedburner. I think the best bet is to join with Bloglovin. It is along my sidebar and so easy. Just enter you info and the posts will show up again in your inbox. I use Bloglovin for the sites I follow and really like it. Thank you so much for reading my blog and sorry for the inconvenience! I hope this is a good option for my blog and others you may follow. Cheers, Suzanne