If the key fits, it just may fit a sweet, vintage cabinet!
A cabinet painted in Annie Sloan’s Country Grey with an interior done in General Finishes Basil with AS Provence as a wash on top…
Please excuse the terrible pictures! I was alone this afternoon (except for the workers across the street installing siding who I could tell were just wondering what the crazy lady was doing in her garage). I just wasn’t able to move it indoors for its glamour shots! I believe you can still see that the detail is divine…
A tip on painting glass – just take a piece of paper, place it against the edges and paint away. No need for tape and makes for a pretty easy clean up.
The little drawer on the bottom works flawlessly and is so sweet.
The interior has two removable shelves and a little stencil detail for fun.I also apologize for such a late publish time on this post! My daughter missed her softball game’s carpool and I received the panicked call to get her asap and take her to the game. Then off to pick up my other daughter from my parents (who had picked her up from school), then off to the grocery store to buy something – anything – for dinner, well, you get it! I am tired and ready for bed. TGIF tomorrow!!!
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such a pretty piece!
Beautiful, love it!
Looks lovely! Can you share if you wax before you sand, and what grade of sandpaper you use. Thanks for any info
I am in love with Country Gray. That and Coco. Then CeCe Caldwell’s Young Kansas Wheat. Can you tell I’ve got a major neutral thing going on?! 🙂
You did a beautiful, beautiful job. Are you keeping this or selling? I’d have a hard time giving this up!
Oh – and BTW! Excellent tip about a piece of paper for the windows. You just saved me a ton of time scraping!