And the Winner Is…Folex!
You may remember from previous posts, my dog Lucky had an accident on my new dining room rug. It is one of only two actual new rugs in my home that I really care for and, of course, he chose this one to soil! I immediately cleaned it up and then panicked. I poured water and dish soap on the stain and tried to scrub it out (mistake) and then I used Resolve (second mistake). I picked up Woolite InstaClean Carpet Cleaner and tried that. It did help significantly but the stain was still visible.
Many viewers told me to find Folex and swore by it. I purchased it a few days ago at my local Bed Bath and Beyond and OMG – this stuff is MAGIC! After all of the mistakes I made (likely setting the stain even more into the rug’s fibers), Folex got rid of the stain totally. I mean…it’s gone! All I had to do was squirt it on and let it sit a few minutes and blot off. Wow. Amazing. Here are the pics!
Before (totally gross, I know) after trying to clean with soap and water:
After Woolite InstaClean:
After Folex:
The Winner!
I also spent an afternoon the other day at Ikea. My kids and I love their meatballs lol (true) and I purchased these sweet curtains. They are only $14.99 a pair. A great summer find!
And summer marches on!
Congratulations!! You’ve got your room back!!