In every American movie moving house is always sweet and pastoral: the couple smiles at each other as they stick the glue on the last cardboard box, holding hands and looking towards the new beginning in the new city, with the leads of course delicate and photogenic. But, what to do, the reality is far away: in reality there are boxs between the legs, clutter in the eyes and leading from breezes, and all this for crossing 2 streets up the neighborhood. Instead of getting lost in all the hustle and bustle, we have gathered in one place all the important tips for moving apartment: how to get free (or paid) packing boxs, where to start packing, how to pack a kitchen, how long in advance to order transport and what will help you lower the price of transport. Look at local movers to make things simpler; that is first things first! Here are some other tips for you to follow!
Photo: Unsplash
Here is what you need to find: Stores that provide boxes for a fee – a quick Google search will cost you stores, people and companies that provide boxes of all sizes and types, and in any quantity you need. The advantage is that you can get new and unused boxes, ones that are tailored to your personal need in terms of size and strength and of course there is no limit on the quantity. The downside is that you will have to pay for these boxes. We have reached the important part – the packaging. What makes the packaging so complex? There are several reasons for this: One is that it is not easy to pack your whole life into several boxes, especially when it comes to a lot of items that you have not filtered for several good years.
Secondly, because until the move you still have to live in the house and lead a normal life in it – so how do you know what to pack before and what to leave for the end, and how do you make the house not become an obstacle course on the way? The last thing is that it is not clear how to pack properly: what to do with the frozen things in the freezer, how to pack the jars of jam and olive oil, and what about the shampoo bottles? But perhaps the most important question is: Where do you start? Take a deep breath, we have prepared some good and practical tips for packing before moving:
- Start packing the least used items – this is the answer to the question of how to start packing the apartment. Start with the things you hardly use, the ones you will not miss if they are now sitting in a box, and from there you will progress in the level of frequency of use. You will be surprised to find that you have quite a few such things at home, which leads us to the following tip:
- Use the packaging to filter objects – moving house is a great opportunity to make order and organization and on the way get rid of items that are no longer used. When it comes to clothes, the recommendation is not to bring with you a garment that you have not worn in the past year (unless it is a super elegant evening dress). But this is true of many other things – you do not use? Do not create rubbish for yourself, give, donate and most importantly do not move on.
Photo: Unsplash
- Pack by room and by topic – Some people will tell you to pack the house only by topic, ie, all the toys in the same box, all the first aid in one box and all the hygiene products in another box. Others will tell you that this is really not true and you need to pack by room, because it will make it easier for you to unload the crates. Combine the methods. Pack the kitchen in the same box but inside the boxes we organized the equipment according to topics: all the spreads in one box, all the bowls in another box. You do not always unload all the crates together, so if you want something small, like matches for example, you will know which crate to turn to and you will not get lost.
- Mark the boxes – Following the previous tip, it is highly recommended to mark the boxes by rooms, so that yours and the carriers’ will be easy. The best recommendation is to use stickers, ones that will be noticeable, or stickers of colors or stickers with the caption of the appropriate room, and this too can sometimes be obtained from the carrier. Be careful not to mark only the top of the box but also all of its sides so that it will be easier for you to find them.
- Packing in garbage bags – Packing in garbage bags can be very convenient, especially for packing clothes. Even the clothes hanging on hangers can be put together through a hole in the bag so that the bag wraps all the clothes. The downside to garbage bags can be the fact that you or the carriers will be confused with the real garbage – so you should be careful.
- Fragile tools – Be sure to wrap in white paper or wrapping paper to keep them, and most importantly it is important to note on the crate that it has fragile things, to guide the carriers. Try not to wrap in newspaper because it can leave ink marks on the dishes.
- Pack a bag for the first few days – in the first few days you should have a bag close by with all the things you will need for the coming days and also SOS items. Prepare clothes, pajamas, toothbrushes and hair for you, in addition take medicines, money, keys and chargers for cell phones.
- Expensive or sentimental items should be taken with you in the car.
- Kitchen packaging – open bottles should also be taken with you in the car because you do not want all your furniture to be saturated with liquids. Be sure to wrap the bottle in cling film to seal it. Be sure to thaw the freezer beforehand, and of course empty the refrigerator. Ice left in the freezer will melt during transport.
And what about packaging services? Packaging services have advantages and disadvantages. The significant advantage is the time and resources you will save on packing the apartment, because there is someone who will do it for you.
Please note that some of the links above and below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.
Hiring movers is well worth the investment. Movers make the entire moving process way less stressful.