Your fingers are clenched around a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee. As you drink, you try to soak up all the warmth from the brew and transfer it to your body. For a blissful few seconds, you can feel your skin gently heating. However, the feeling disappears rapidly. It doesn’t matter how many cardigans you wrap yourself in, you can’t manage to get warm. Your fingertips remain cold despite your best efforts. Why can’t you get warm at home?
Here’s a clue for you: It has nothing to do with the coffee you’re drinking. In fact, here’s why the coffee isn’t helping to get cozy:
Your insulation needs some upgrading
When the home feels impossible to heat, the first place to look for an answer is in your insulation system. If your house feels moist when it rains and you can notice a distinctive drop in temperature indoors during the cold season, you might want to look for a way to improve your insulation. You can rapidly transform the situation with smart solutions. You can quickly enhance your roof insulation, using eco-friendly materials such as wool, which you can install as part of a DIY project. Alternatively, for significant improvements, you should consider external systems such as Nichiha fiber cement additions, which act as an insulating layer around your exterior walls. The difference will be immediate!
Your messy home screws up with your mood
We can’t help it. Human beings are hoarders. We accumulate items over time, and the more we own, the harder we find it to discard what we don’t need. As a result, your home might become a giant display front for all your belongings. Clutter is the direct consequence of our hoarding behavior. Clutter, however, can lead to increased anxiety and stress. You might want to listen to Marie Kondo’s advice on getting rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy to solve the issue! In the meantime, your messy home affects your mood, which is the reason why you can’t warm up – to the home!
The room is dark
Your decor choices can influence your perception of temperature and comfort. Indeed, rooms that are not naturally set in warm sunlight need to compensate through the interior style. If you use dark and moody tones in a north-facing room, chances are that you are making the interior feel colder than it actually is. Changing your decor can dramatically transform your comfort zone, creating a cozy and warm interior.
You’ve got a vitamin deficiency
Last but not least, your body isn’t equipped to fight the winter weather. Indeed, cold weather puts a lot of pressure on your immune system. Your defense mechanisms need to be top-notch to fight off the typical seasonal complaints, from cold to SAD. However, most people fail to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet that provides their bodies with all the necessary vitamins. You can check the Healthline supplement list to figure out what you’re missing. Indeed, falling short on vitamin C or D could weaken your immune system and makes it harder for your body to maintain its temperature.
Brr, it’s so cold outside! You can’t control the weather. However, you are in charge of how the weather affects your comfort at home. Staying warm on a rainy day can be challenging if you can’t identify the cause of the perceived chill.
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