Having a space in the house for your kids or grandchildren to create and play is crucial. If you have the space in the home, be it a room or even a corner space of a room, it is great to create somewhere that the children can go and play and make a mess. Basically, a place of their own. What are the best ways to create an activity room that stimulates, inspires, and encourages play?
Lightness and brightness
Brightness is crucial to any child’s playroom. Having an abundance of lighting isn’t just about the right colors, windows or light fixtures. You can use imaginative lighting such as neon signs to stimulate brightness in a fun, different way. In fact, you can create your very own custom neon sign here and personalize it for your children. It’s a great way for your children to make the most of the space and actually play with light and shade. You can get glow-in-the-dark toys, turn the lights off, and just keep the neon signs on, and it’s an exciting experience, especially for young children.
Set up different activity areas
There is no point in sticking to one specific aesthetic. Children will go from one activity to the next, and they get bored easily. Setting up a playroom that caters to all of these different ideas is crucial. Ultimately what you need to do is find areas of the room that gear towards specific purposes. You want your children to read? Give them a comfy chair and a pile of books in one corner. But if you want them to enjoy arts and crafts, set up a table in another corner. It helps to create more defined spaces, and allows the kids to make each space their own.
Focus on a theme (or many)
If your children love Toy Story, then there are plenty of Toy Story inspired stencils they can put on the wall. However, if you have children young enough, their tastes will change with the times. My son went through a Thomas the Tank Engine phase and from there went straight into Winnie the Pooh! Giving them a theme that they really like right now, like pirates or cookery, is really fun. You can purchase items to put into the space, like pirate costumes, or a play kitchen. Gradually, themes can change but you can get rid of the items, and bring in new ones.
Having a space for your children or grandchildren to play is beneficial not just so the mess is contained, but for the children to have their own space to just be kids. And if you are lucky enough to have a spare room in the house, creating an activity room is going to see them through their younger years perfectly.
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