Provence with Wash of Old White
I’ve been busy working on my new (and hopefully improved) website. There is now a tab up top, “Paint Color Gallery”. Here you can find the first of a series that I am doing on the paint colors that I use for my projects. I started with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Basic Colors and added another tab that includes some lovely Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Color Combinations. I really hope you like the new pages. I’m about to embark on General Finishes milk paint colors next.
My kids are finally back at school, having had Monday off for President’s Day and Tuesday off for inclement weather. I can finally try my stencil out in the foyer. I read all your comments and agree that hey, if I don’t like it then I can always paper over it but can’t do it the other way round! I’m off to stencil in peace and quiet! Thanks for your advice!
Very nice job on the Paint Color Gallery, and the Annie Sloan selections in particular. It provides a quick and creative idea of the possibilities of the various colors … which sometimes is all that’s needed to get the creative ball rolling. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! So glad you liked it!
Hi Suzanne,
This is exactly what I’ve been trying to collect on my Pin board for colours! I only became really conscientious about it a week or so ago! Thank you so much!!! I especially like that you started with ASCP, which we can buy in Australia, and I use all the time. This will be so helpful, thank you!
I’m not sure whether you know, or whether you’re happy with just the watermark on the photos, but when I clicked on the image to pin it, the words under the image didn’t credit to you. I have typed your name in that description on each thing I pinned, but just thought you might like to know. Maybe it doesn’t matter, I don’t know.
I really like your new site! Very smart! But I also loved the old one too!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Cheers, Liz
Thank you SO much, Elisabeth! You are a life saver. I have trouble understanding how to tag my pictures (alt tag/description, etc) but just figured it out for the gallery. Thanks again!
Suzanne, what a delight your Paint Color Gallery is! I just checked it out. I know you’re website has undergone an upgrade — it is gorgeous. Very well done. I always enjoy visiting you.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!