I do believe that the old saying, “Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery” is true. However when copying someone else’s work, I believe a quick mention and tip of the hat to the original artist should be matter of course.
On the Hoda and Jenna Hour this morning on the Today Show, lo and behold what I glanced up and saw.

No, that wasn’t my china cabinet – seen here (pic below) on Pinterest.

It was a cabinet that Nicole Curtis had apparently designed herself and used in her Today Show segment on wallpaper. Wow. We must have very, very similar taste…
Note to readers: I am all about sharing and this is why I have my blog, my YouTube channel and my millions (yes millions) of monthly views on Pinterest. I share so we can all learn from each other. And hey, wallpaper is big these days and is all over Pinterest. But the similarity here is quite stunning. That is all I will say.
I have another GREAT cabinet that I am about to embark on this week. I will share with you all soon!
I’m just saying I agree
Thank you Nancy!
Some people think it’s ok to show your designs and take credit for it? Really I don’t, I’ve been following you for a couple of years now and love how you design and do not appreciate what she did to you without making it clear it was not her design.
Hi Jeani,
Thank you so much for your email. I actually feel the same way and it is very disappointing to see that she copied me and didn’t give me a mention. I guess that when I put my pieces out there, they are open for anyone to take. I actually garner a ton of ideas from other people but I then take those ideas and turn them into my own interpretation. I never blatantly copy. Oh, well!