Christmas is over and now is the time to enjoy a new year and make a fresh start. 2021 is a time for change and although the pandemic isn’t over it brings new opportunities for many of us at home and at work.
If you want to make a fresh start in the home in 2021 – starting off by cleaning and organising your home is the best place to start. After taking down your decorations it is the perfect time to clean and organise your home for a more productive year.
Clean out the food cupboards
The first job you can consider once Christmas is over is cleaning out the kitchen cupboards. It is very likely over the festive season that you will have accumulated a lot of food – and once the festive season is over it is important to go through things and get rid of anything out of date or mouldy. Clear your kitchen cupboards completely and bleach the surfaces while you go through your ingredients. Bleaching the cupboards will ensure they are hygienic and can also deter pests such as pantry mites which would otherwise require an exterminator. Make sure when you put everything back to seal every box and bag to avoid spillages.
Recycle boxes
You’ll likely have a fair few boxes leftover after the festive period from presents and parcels – and now is the time to break down all of these boxes and recycle them. Rather than throwing full boxes into the bin always make sure that you rip them up into thin pieces to maximise how much you fit in your recycling bin. It is important to recycle for the good of the planet and if you have no room in your bin and still some cardboard or paper left – you can put some in the top of your compost bin if you have one and cover it with food or garden waste.
Defrost the freezer
Once Christmas is over your fridge and freezer can breathe a sigh of relief after being full of food for weeks on end. Now is the ideal time for you to defrost your freezer to keep it healthy and clear out everything inside that you no longer need for a fresh start. There are plenty of ways to use up foods in the freezer such as vegetables in a risotto or frozen fruit in a smoothie.
Replace 1 with 1
When the new year rings in it is important to make a new start and not bring old clutter with you both in your life and your home. When going through your belongings and new gifts this January be sure to try and clear out older things at the same time. For example if you are looking through your old bathroom items, consider replacing older items that may have been open for a while with new ones. When you have other items such as clothing or ornaments you can consider the same. Don’t clutter your home with even more items- instead swap and replace to keep the hole tidy and organized.
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