I’m hard at work on the 1930’s vintage table. I researched the table and came up with the style being Georgian. If anyone out there has more info, please comment!
As you all know, my husband accidentally broke off one of its feet. Luckily, it was a very clean break and easy to fix with glue. I used both Gorilla glue as well as wood glue and it is really sturdy now.
Here is the base after the first few coats of General Finishes Lamp Black.
Here is the top. It’s a hot mess and I’m in the middle of sanding it back. It isn’t an easy top to sand as it has quick a thick coat of poly that I need to get through before I actually get to the grain. Someone really destroyed it at one point.
it is gonna be awesome xx
Thanks Chris – I hope so as this one is a ton of work lol!
I have seen one redone years ago. It had a really cool Stenciled or Free handed painted French clock on top. Loved it.
Haven’t found the right table yet to do that.
Can’t wait to see the results. Great job on the leg repair.
Très bien.
Awesome work. You’ll make is shine, no doubt.