Our master bedroom is a difficult room to figure out as it has eaves on either side of the room. Inside the eaves on the right side are large windows and a vent on the bottom that basically eliminates that wall for furniture placement. Recognize the desk?
I often use my furniture finds until it’s their time for a makeover and sale! The creamy dresser and mirror was another piece that has since sold.
But, I digress…back to the bedroom!
The eaves make the placement of the bed difficult. The bed was against the wall on the left when I took these pics.
I have since moved the bed under the eaves along the wall. However, there is a door to the crawl space along that wall. You can see it in the picture above. Now, the bed halfway covers the door which doesn’t look great. Plus, we actually do use the space for storage and need access to it.
I was thrilled to open Country Home Magazine’s feature of a California house and its master bedroom. It gave me some great ideas for our space. They created two built-in bookcases under the eaves on either side of the bed that are actually doors that open to the crawl space behind. They also had a window seat built-in. We have a vent – of course – right in the center of that wall. However, I think we can work with it. So many ideas – so little time! I really should have married a carpenter
my mom said if you don’t marry money marry someone who can fix things ha ha xx
Smart mom!
I am a widow so i have to see if my sons can help,pay for it or do it myself. Be glad you have a husband.I like your bedroom.
I am lucky to have my husband – I just wish he had carpentry skills lol!
Love the book case idea. Don’t you love when you find a great idea, and say…why didn’t I think of that! But who cares, run with it. Please show us pics if you do it.
Suzanne built-ins would be fabulous. Instead of trying to hide the elephant in the room (attic door) work with it by incorporating it into the design.
I am taking a page out of your bedroom, too! That window seat – sigh…
I love this! And your pictures are so sweet! Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome!