Today’s favorite find is this true Trash to Treasure story. My good friend, Raquel texted me this picture with the message “Is this something you could use for your business?” My response was YES!!!!
Unfortunately, this was the day of our large snowstorm and I couldn’t get out there to pick it up before the snow started to fall. So, there it sat for three days out in the elements. Miraculously it was still there when we finally were able to drive out and pick it up. It was safe and sound in the back of my van by the time I took this pic but you can see where it had been sitting there knee deep in the snow. I am shocked that there is no real damage. I would have thought the damp would have ruined the wood but it is totally fine. The fact that the glass and the mirror inside are still intact is amazing. BTW, the chairs were too far gone. The legs were broken off and besides, they really are not my “thing” anyway.
Well, everyone, February marks two years since I started The Painted Drawer! I woke up one morning and “The Painted Drawer” just popped into my head. Really, it did. My mother had made the suggestion before that I paint furniture as I am so addicted to paint. She went and bought me a dresser from one of the many thrift stores she hunts through like a hawk every week (she is a serious thrifter – a true talent!). It was a Dixie french provincial. I took my latex paint and just had a blast. It was February two years ago – time flies!After painting my first pieces, I used my daughter’s Nook to create a Facebook page and posted a few pictures. A friend of mine then suggested Etsy which I again started on the Nook. With my first big sale I was able to purchase my laptop. I sat up many nights teaching myself WordPress and created my website from scratch. My husband was my rock through it all.
The Painted Drawer has given me such joy. The friends that I have met both in person and online through it are amazing. What a fantastic world we live in where one can paint a piece of furniture, put a picture of it online and start a real business through a Nook.
Happy anniversary and thank you to all of my fellow thrift shop hunters, dumpster divers, curbside stoppers, furniture revampers, painting and design loving friends and fans both near and far – I am a very lucky girl, indeed!
Happiest Anniversary Suzanne!! You stuff is always my fave! To many more years and $$$$ !!
Congratulations on your two year anniversary! Isn’t it fun to look back on the journey, to see where you started, where you have been, and look forward to where it will take you? Cheers to many more lovely transformations and great blog posts!
Happy Anniversary and thank you so much for bringing such joy to your blog. Your posts add inspiration and enjoyment to my life. Because of you I am so busy painting and loving it!!! Thanks.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary, Suzanne! Thank you for inspire and challenge me in ways that you will never now!
congrats on your milestone!
Happy Anniversary!! You are a true inspiration!
What a wonderful story! You are indeed talented and determined! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all of your inspiration and for sharing your gifts with us.