Yesterday, while out thrifting, I came across a very old, very stained and very dilapidated settee. I just loved it! It quickly made its way into my van. I am saying it’s English because that’s what it looks like – a very old English settee that was in an old house in a room next to a roaring fire. Well, that’s my vision, anyway!
We brought it in this morning so I could start work on it.
First it needed shoring up and that was easy with a hammer and glue. The main problem with the piece is the fabric. I actually really love it and am trying to save it. Here you can see how stained and, well, nasty it is. I sprayed it all over with an upholstery cleaner, scrubbed it and then sprayed it again. I let it soak in and am now waiting for it to dry.
I was hoping to share the “after” pics with you but it is still drying and I was only able to apply one coat of paint to the wooden frame. I have grand hopes some days of what I can actually get accomplished!
Here is how it looks now. You can see how the fabric is still soaked. Fingers crossed it looks better tomorrow. I can always reupholster if need be.
My computer decided to crash yesterday. I’m temporarily using my daughter’s laptop and it just took me ten minutes to figure out how to sign into my webpage. I am a creature of habit and using a strange computer is not easy. Plus, having to sign in and remember my passwords to all of my programs – no bueno! Fingers crossed it’s fixed soon. A huge shout out of thanks to Sharon at Elizabeth & Co. She posted last month all about how her computer crashed and how she sadly lost all her pictures, etc. I told my husband and he backed mine up over the weekend. Can you believe it crashed yesterday? What timing!
Glad your photos are saved and I look forward to seeing the settee finished!
Thanks, Darrielle – I’m glad too
and I’m sure you have your work covered. Can you imagine losing all your pics?
wow that’s calling it close huh? that settee is really cutexx
Check out Carbonite for backups. I have been using several years. Only around $55.00 a year and you never have to worry cause it backs up every day! Yay! Best $55.00 ever spent. Also easy to transfer files over to new computer.
Thanks, Pam! Appreciate the tip and I’m going to look into it. It sounds like a great option, especially as it backs up every day. The thought of losing all my work is really frightening and I think I would lose it lol!
Someone was watching over you this weekend! Thanks for the reminder that I’m long overdue to back mine up. Hope the upholstery comes out nice and clean for you Suzanne.
You don’t mess around! I’m jealous of your work ethic, and wish I wasn’t sooo lazy. I too love hunting and finding lovely things. BUT they usually sit around for awhile until I figure out what and what color to paint them etc. You seriously are my hero and I love your pictures and posts. The settee is awesome.
Oh, Mimi – thank you so much! You are too kind! I just love to dive right in. Having to stare at my pieces just waiting in my freezing cold garage is torture lol! I hope the weather turns soon so I can get to sanding the tops. I’m sure you will get to your projects when inspiration strikes